Jesus' Coming Back

IDF officer from South Africa kidnapped on October 7, pronounced dead in Hamas captivity

IDF officer Captain Daniel Perez was killed on October 7, and his body was taken to Gaza, the IDF announced on Sunday.

Perez was 22, from Yad Binyamin, and a Division Commander in the 77th battalion of the 7th “Storm from the Golan” formation.

Perez was originally from South Africa but moved to Israel in 2014 with the rest of his family.

Daniel’s father, chairman of World Mizrahi, Rabbi Doron Peretz, has previously interviewed with the Jerusalem Post and described his bravery on October 7, as well as the events surrounding his captivity.

On October 7, Daniel immediately ran to his tank and fought valiantly, saving the lives of many of his fellow soldiers, as well as civilians. Eventually, terrorists surrounded his tank, and he was taken hostage, according to his father, Doron, in an interview with the “Post.”

 IDF officer Captain Daniel Perez (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON'S UNIT)
IDF officer Captain Daniel Perez (credit: IDF SPOKESPERSON’S UNIT)

For three weeks, Daniel’s family received no information on whether he was even alive until additional evidence suggested that he had been abducted and was being held hostage in Gaza. Circumstantial evidence from his cellphone location, along with other indications, such as blood found near his tank’s location, were enough to declare that Daniel had been taken hostage.

Since then, Perez’s family hadn’t received any update about his well-being until the IDF informed the family of his death before making the announcement to the public.

Friends of the  Perez family share their prayers

Rabbi Danny Mirvis, Acting CEO of World Mizrahi, in response to the news about the death of Daniel Peretz when he was kidnapped by Hamas, said:

“It is with immense pain and deep sadness that I share with you that the Perez family were informed this evening that Captain Daniel Perez, 22 years old, has been declared as a fallen soldier, captured by a terror organization. A funeral is being planned for tomorrow, to be followed by Shiva.

Over the past 163 days, we have desperately davened for better news. Throughout that time, the Perez family has inspired and strengthened us as we have sought to strengthen them. The global prayer for his well-being will now become global wishes of comfort.

This news came to the family on 7 Adar, the yahrzeit of Moshe Rabbeinu, whose burial place is unknown. As such, 7 Adar has become a date associated with mourning for all those whose burial places are unknown. As we have prayed and hoped for Daniel’s return until now, we continue to pray and hope for his return to Kever Yisrael.

May Hashem comfort Rav Doron, Shelley, and the entire family amongst all mourners of Zion and Yerushalayim, and may we see every single hostage return home.”


Jesus Christ is King

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