Jesus' Coming Back

Netanyahu warns Likud: Without IDF draft bill, Israeli government will fall

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced to his party, the Likud, that he would not renege on passing the ultra-Orthodox draft bill and that without the bill, the government would not remain in place, KAN Reshet B reported on Monday morning.

Netanyahu’s announcement came in the wake of minister-without-portfolio and National Unity chair Benny Gantz’s warning that he would leave the war cabinet should the bill be passed and reports of several Likud ministers’ opposition to the bill.

The bill, should it pass, would extend the exemption from IDF conscription for haredi (ultra-Orthodox) Jews.

The subject of drafting the haredim into the IDF has been a point of contention, particularly in recent weeks, and has sparked a number of protests.

Protests conducted by haredi men have sprung up in cities including Jerusalem and Bnei Brak, where protestors have blocked traffic and the light rail in demonstrations of opposition to the push to include them in Israel’s military draft.

A group of ultra-Orthodox Jews blocked traffic and the light rail in Jerusalem demonstrating against a Haredi draft into the IDF. February 26, 2024. (credit: SOL SUSSMAN)
A group of ultra-Orthodox Jews blocked traffic and the light rail in Jerusalem demonstrating against a Haredi draft into the IDF. February 26, 2024. (credit: SOL SUSSMAN)

Despite Netanyahu’s message to Likud, there has been doubt expressed within the part about whether the bill could pass. Likud member Hanoch Milwidsky, in a Monday interview on 103FM, expressed his disbelief that the draft of the bill, as it currently stands, could pass, adding, “I didn’t write it. Moreover, no one consulted me before they wrote it.”

In an interview with Army Radio, Likud MK and former Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, Danny Danon, echoed Milwidsky’s comment, saying, “It is clear to me that this version will not come to a vote in the Knesset. There are many missing elements, and time will allow for significant changes.”

Gantz: People will not tolerate draft exemption extension

On Sunday, Gantz voiced firm opposition to the bill, saying, “The people will not tolerate it, the Knesset will not be able to vote in favor of it, and my associates and I cannot be part of this emergency government if this law passes.”

“If the draft law passes on Tuesday, Gantz and (minister-without-portfolio) [Gadi] Eisenkot would leave the government,” KAN Reshet B quoted opposition leader and Yesh Atid Chair Yair Lapid as saying on Monday. “It’s a security disaster. There aren’t enough soldiers. There are more soldiers today in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) than in Gaza. Practically, the actual war is not being conducted at the moment.”

KAN also noted that Lapid directly attacked Netanyahu.

“Netanyahu was and remains a rabbit in closed rooms,” Lapid reportedly said. “I fought with the Americans much more than he did as prime minister.”


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