Jesus' Coming Back

Netanyahu’s regime is Sinwar’s dream: Israel gets closer to the abyss every day

When will the good people of Likud wake up? When will they understand that one man, in his narrow-mindedness, is leading an entire country towards ruin, mostly to serve his personal interests? When will they understand that, in their silence, they are aiding him? What else needs to happen for 10 Likud Knesset members to stand, even today, speak up, not fear for themselves but think solely about their country, their children and grandchildren, look him in the eye, and say: “Mr. Prime Minister, you are no longer fit. For the sake of your honor, resign. Now. Otherwise, we will have to force your retirement.”

Technically and legally, such a move can be made with a normal majority of 61 Knesset members – through a constructive vote of no confidence in the Knesset, which determines the replacement of the serving prime minister with another Knesset member. Clearly, this would be a Likud Knesset member.

This is the only way to save the country from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, to avoid an election now, and to ensure that one will take place immediately after the war ends.

But if it depends on Netanyahu, it is difficult to know if and when the day after the war will come, and what will be its outcome. The ideal solution is Egyptian-Jordanian control over the Palestinian Authority, but that will not happen. The least bad solution, and unfortunately probably the only one with practical feasibility, is control of Gaza by the Palestinian Authority – of course, with extreme changes and international guarantees. Who is Netanyahu relying on? Does he want to risk more IDF soldiers in managing Gazan affairs even after the war? Is he blind to the way Israel is already being perceived in the world as guilty of killing Gazan residents and starving them?

‘Every day, Netanyahu brings Israel closer to the abyss’

They say that the country is at war, and it is not the time to change the prime minister. But every day that this specific prime minister sits on his throne, he brings us closer to the abyss – security-wise, diplomatically, and in terms of explanations.

 He and his colleagues are running the government in practice. Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich. (credit: KNESSET SPOKESMAN'S OFFICE)
He and his colleagues are running the government in practice. Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich. (credit: KNESSET SPOKESMAN’S OFFICE)

Bibi, as usual, sells us slogans like “absolute victory.” Ideally he would dedicate his abilities in communication to prevent us from becoming detestable in the eyes of the enlightened world, including in the eyes of our friends.

“[Yahya] Sinwar’s dream is [for us] to have elections here,” he recently declared.

No, Bibi. On the contrary! It seems that Sinwar’s dream is that you continue in your role.

Our army, thanks to the chief of staff and the commanders of the IDF – is winning in battle and working excellently, and must continue with all its might, including in intelligence, until all the captives are returned and the rule of Hamas is diminished.

But in the meantime, the whole world has turned against us, even after the horrors of October 7, which means we are losing in the war, and you, Bibi, are also to blame for that. Only you. Because the roots of the hatred towards us stem from the extremist government you have formed and your reliance on messianics like Bezalel Smotrich and extremists like Simcha Rothman, Orit Strock, and others. They are the ones managing you, as well as us, and you allow it for your survival.

 He is not fighting in Israel, but is concerned about its situation. US President Joe Biden. (credit: REUTERS)
He is not fighting in Israel, but is concerned about its situation. US President Joe Biden. (credit: REUTERS)

The media and US President Joe Biden are fighting against you (instead of supporting Hamas)? Not Bibi, the opposite! Like most people, they are worried about the threat you pose. Never has a president in the US been as supportive of Israel as Biden, who has proven it through actions, not just words. Did Biden turn against you? Don’t blame the US elections, blame only yourself and your extremist government – a government that the enlightened and modern world cannot tolerate.

Israelis are afraid today to go abroad, to rent a car, to book a hotel room – because who knows who the receptionist is, who the maid is, and who the hotel owner is, and if they won’t despise us instead of despising the accursed Hamas terrorists. And while this is happening, you worry about your honor and ego, work against the chief of staff, act against the defense minister, and against the political partners who joined you.

Where are you, Likud members of Knesset? Wake up, before it’s too late.

The writer is a strategic communication adviser at Peer Levin Communication.


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