Jesus' Coming Back

When It Comes To The Powers Arrayed Against Israel, There’s A Simple Solution

Despite regularly watching Caroline Glick, I don’t like doing so. That’s because her relentlessly realistic understanding of Israel’s position in the world tears me apart. A recent interview with Mike Benz, director of the Foundation of Freedom Online (embedded at the end of this post), is one of the most poignant I have seen because it explains so much. However, once one understands what’s really going on, there is a solution, and it’s a relatively simple one.

We who care about Israel and its survival compulsively scratch our heads and wonder why the media, the intelligence community, our elected politicians, the United Nations, the European Union, and a slurry of individual nations can be so taken up with anti-Semitic rhetoric and seek to neuter or destroy the only Jewish state in the world. Why would any mentally sound individual or political body curry favor with Iran and hang Israel out to dry?

Mike Benz clearly explains the intentions of those who engage in squelching Israel. Let me cut to the chase: Money, power, and control, mainly relating to petroleum resources, drive the current anti-Israel sentiment among the nominally civilized nations.

The process leading to this situation has been methodical and insidious. The US military-industrial complex has weaponized our civilian institutions to serve its needs. In a world that no longer recognizes kinetic military conquest as a means of acquiring territory and commodities, the only way to guarantee constantly increasing government funding for the military is through the soft military mobilization of civilian entities like the electronic media, the press, NGOs, corporate entities, and seemingly unrelated governmental agencies like the FDA.

That the human population is likely to decrease on its own does not seem to reduce the zeal of these violence-prone advocates of forced population suffering. However, a less distasteful approach would be for everyone to support the production of adequate levels of energy for our current denizens. This can be accomplished by developing Liquid Floride Thorium Reactors (LFTR). The technology is available and would make oil cheaper than dirt because of the competition of plentiful nuclear power.

For the technically inclined, here are the undisputed facts. According to physics Nobel laureate Carlo Rubbia, a ton of thorium could produce as much energy as 200 tons of uranium or 3,500,000 tons of coal. If converted to electricity at 50% efficiency, 820 keV/u is equivalent to 11 billion kilowatt-hours per metric ton of thorium/

Given that it is Israel who is being scapegoated by the world’s wealthy, I suggest Israel make it their raison d’etre to immediately begin developing working LFTR units to undercut oil prices.

This approach will save the lives of billions of people slated for extinction by the Darwinians among the wealthy. It will aid in undermining the cabal of information manipulators, beginning with our overly-endowed military. Once LFTR is in place, that will allow for quieter relations among all nations of the world, with each man able to live under his own vine and fig tree (Biblical reference) in peace.

Image: The first commercial oil well in Saudi Arabia. Public domain.

American Thinker

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