Jesus' Coming Back

Israeli minister launches attack on Netanyahu, calls to resettle Gaza

Minister Yitzhak Wasserlauf launched a scathing attack on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called for Israel to resettle Gaza after the war in an interview with Radio North on Monday morning.

Otzma Yehudit‘s Wasserlauf, who serves as the development of the Negev and Galilee and national resilience minister, criticized Netanyahu over the treatment of northern Israeli residents, who have been under bombardment of Hezbollah rockets since October of last year.

Speaking on the establishment of a directorate to handle the needs of northern residents, Wasserlauf said that he had “stopped believing talk” and that “he wants to see action.

“The fact is that the prime minister promised over two months ago to pass a government motion on the subject, and nothing has happened,” the minister added. “So I have a lot of criticism.

“If you give your word, stand by it,” Wasserlauf said in a message to Netanyahu. “Our words have value. I respect Netanyahu and the government and do it proudly, but I want us to fulfill our commitments to the residents.

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads the weekly government conference, held at the Western Wall tunnels in Jerusalem's Old City on May 21, 2023 (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads the weekly government conference, held at the Western Wall tunnels in Jerusalem’s Old City on May 21, 2023 (credit: YONATAN SINDEL/FLASH90)

“I am a minister in this government, it is not trivial for me to say these things. Every single day that passes without [establishing a directorate] is a disgrace.”

Wasserlauf: Total victory in Gaza requires Jewish resettlement

Speaking on developments in the Gaza war, Wasserlauf claimed that “total victory” over Hamas would require Jewish resettlement in the Gaza Strip.

“We must force them into submission to reach total victory,” he said. “That includes invading Rafah and the dismantling of all Palestinian factions.”

Wasserlauf continued, “And if you’re asking me, a total victor means a return to settle there, that is [Hamas’s] punishment for what they did on October 7. If we don’t do that, our soldiers have fallen for nothing.”


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