Jesus' Coming Back

OnlyFans Star Nala Ray Makes Profession of Faith in Christ

A top OnlyFans star has deleted all of her adult videos on the platform after she professed faith in Jesus Christ.

Nala Ray, who grew up as a Baptist pastor’s daughter, posted a video on Instagram last month sharing her testimony.

“My upbringing was very strict. I am the middle child of five kids. We were all homeschooled, read the Bible daily, and attended Baptist church every Sunday,” she said.

“When I was a teenager, my dad bought a church in Illinois and we all moved to live there and created a church community,” she added. “The church dominated the day-to-day and as a pastor family I felt pressure to be a role model.”

Growing up, Ray said she wasn’t allowed to wear makeup or “provocative” clothing as well as having no social media account and wasn’t allowed to date.

“I was also homeschooled,” she said, adding that her “life truly felt like a cage.”

According to Church Leaders, Ray dropped out of college when she was 18 years old, stopped attending church, and launched a fitness modeling Instagram account.

“At the end of 2019, one of my followers on Instagram messaged me saying I should be on OnlyFans. I’m so glad they did,” she said back in 2021. ”It changed my life.”

She ended up becoming on the top .01 percent on OnlyFans and was making about $330,000 a month.

On December 26, 2023, Ray posted a video on Instagram of her getting baptized with the caption: “We all have a choice. I choose God.”

In the last month’s video, Ray shared that it was her now-boyfriend who brought her to God.

“Honestly, it was crazy. He’s actually a devout Christian. He started praying over me and sending me Bible verses and just being so loving in a way that wasn’t romantic,” Ray said.

“I am now giving it all up for Christ,” she continued, adding that she has deleted all but one video.

“I’ve taken everything down that I have felt the Lord truly tell me, like, take this down. I’ve taken everything down without a question and been like, I’ll start over if you want me to, God. I don’t even care. Like, it’s not worth my eternal soul.”

“I posted a Christian video because I’m waiting on the tax documents and if I don’t have anything in there, they can completely delete the account while I’m waiting on the paperwork. But we’re deleting it, everything’s been wiped off of it,” she stated.

She also shared that she had faced a number of spiritual attacks after she was baptized.

“You guys, I could barely think of one thing that was truly going wrong in my life when I was doing OnlyFans and serving the devil—truly like my works were in vain.”

“But since I became a Christian and got baptized and rededicated my life to the Lord,” she said, “so much has been going on in my life. I feel that spiritual warfare. Oh my gosh, we are at war fam, but I’m excited about it because I know that these are attacks from the devil and not God.”

“God might be allowing these things to happen in my life right now. But it’s because he wants a prudent soldier for Him. I want to be that soldier. I want to fight for our Lord Jesus Christ because He’s so worth it,” she added.

Ray noted that she threw out her clothes from her past because they were not modest and God was prompting her to “be more modest.”

“God is truly speaking to me,” she added. Ray said God told her, “I need you to take care for me so that I can plant my seed in you and so that you can go out into the world and be a true soldier for Christ.”

“I just want to encourage you that when God is speaking to you, listen. Because it’s Him trying to get closer to you, and work through you, and you cannot be fully blessed when you are holding onto something and God is saying to let go,” she concluded.

Image credit: ©GettyImages/TanesNgamsom

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer and content creator. He is a contributing writer for Christian Headlines and the host of the For Your Soul Podcast, a podcast devoted to sound doctrine and biblical truth. He holds a Masters of Divinity from Alliance Theological Seminary.


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