Jesus' Coming Back

Cory Booker: Trump Has Created Unimaginable ‘Chaos and Suffering In Our Country’

Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said Wednesday on CNN’s “King Charles” that former President Donald Trump has “created chaos and suffering in our country that is unimaginable” with his Supreme Court picks who overturned Roe v. Wade.

Booker said, “Donald Trump put on the Supreme Court people that he said his main litmus test was the overturning of Roe v. Wade. That has created chaos and suffering in our country that is unimaginable. The states where you can literally put a bounty out for a woman if she’s trying to get abortion care or states like Arizona where they are reverting back, getting back to a law when slavery was still the law of the land before the 13th Amendment. This is insanity.”

He added, “For people who are survivors of rape or incest, or who have serious medical conditions where abortion services could save their lives, we’ve created a country of chaos and suffering right now that is all a result of what Donald Trump has done. And if he’s president of the United States and you don’t think that this is going to continue, well, listen to what he’s saying. There are leaders in the Senate right now who are saying we will pass a national abortion ban. If that bill is placed on his desk, I believe he will sign it and further set us back into the years of the 1800s.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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