Jesus' Coming Back

Abortion and the American Voter in November 2024

There exists plenty of contradiction about the role of the abortion issues(s) in the 2024 presidential race.

What are the current, assumed or hopeful, candidates for the 2024 presidential race saying? Is there any alignment detectible vis-a-vis abortion and major party politics? What are the abortion activists saying, and what are the right to life activists saying? The churches? The Deep State?

The American people are generally buffered, in the middle of the noise from the abortion Left and the Right. The Left, for the most part, have not been able to sustain the fury of losing Roe vs Wade in 2023, and we are not hearing as much about protests or bombings at pro-life centers in 2024. The Biden administration was publicly shamed for its obvious leftist preferences in regard to criminal liability for the terror attacks on prolife facilities and people, but Biden too has backed down a bit on what was a very bad look — e.g., arresting people for praying peacefully (while Antifa and BLM demolish cities) not popular with the ‘average’ American. Despite the Biden government’s pretty comprehensive, ongoing efforts to ghost Christianity in America, it will remain a vital force, until or when it no longer is.

The Christian churches in America represent now a sort of moral grab bag on abortion. There is no consensus on many moral issues, including abortion, in the Protestant field because most of the major Protestant denominations are already split up, or headed there and not just on the ‘social’ issues but on their basic historical cohesion as well. The Southern Baptists were the first to split off, generations ago; now the Methodist and Presbyterian churches have long experienced multiple ideological splits, to name  a few of many.

The Catholic Church, that for years has provided consistent leadership in protesting abortion nationally and advocating for pro-life candidates, is fighting for its moral survival in the United States, vis-a-vis a hostile Pope (and radical clergy). Pope Francis seems to champion and challenge essential Catholic moral and spiritual propositions like abortion on a ‘how-am-I-feeling-today’ basis. He has recently said that he is breaking from the traditions of the papacy. Just so.

So, the American voter can easily recognize, and many have experienced at first hand, disparities both ‘Christian’ and American sentiment regarding abortion, and therefore, voters are in the dark as to closure on abortion. They may decide it’s time.

As President Trump unfortunately said recently (but did not entirely mean as immediately interpreted to his disadvantage), that we are left to consult our own “hearts” on the matter. Biblical teaching repeatedly warns about the natural, moral vagarity of the heart’s decisions. Yet, Trump’s ‘heart’ statement was just an undertone, an issue of English usage, if you will — he might have been better advised to go with “soul” over “heart.”


American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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