Jesus' Coming Back

Marxist Health Officials Want You Committed

One of the more insidious features of Marxism’s manipulation of language is its stigmatization of opposing points of view as some form of mental disorder.  Opposition to “gay marriage” is said to be a “sign” of homophobia.  Distrusting Islamic terrorists who celebrate 9/11 and shout, “Death to America,” is a “symptom” of Islamophobia.  Wanting the federal government to secure our borders and enforce existing immigration law “reveals” underlying xenophobia.  Not wanting biological men to force their way into ladies’ locker-rooms and showers suggests that a person “suffers” from dreaded transphobia.  

Notice that all these purported psychiatric disorders are categorized as “phobias,” or more plainly, as “irrational fears.”  Marxists routinely use loaded medical language not only to demonize or disgrace their foes but also to transform any political disagreement into something that it is not.  Respecting marriage as a millennia-long institution that celebrates the bond between one man and one woman has nothing to do with being afraid of homosexuals.  Being prepared to defend yourself against those who want you dead does not mean your worries are unfounded.  Insisting that foreigners immigrate to the United States lawfully is entirely rational.  Ensuring that your mother, wife, sisters, or daughters are safe from strange (and frequently dangerous) adult men intent on intruding into their private spaces requires selfless courage.  Still, because Marxists depend upon distortions of reality to instigate cultural friction and manipulate the masses, opposition to whatever politically expedient wedge issue is currently being used as a battering ram against society must be diagnosed as a psychological abnormality.  You could say that Marxists are committed to the lie that opposition to Marxism rests on irrational fear.

Sure, communism murdered over a hundred million people in the twentieth century alone, but that’s no reason to fear an ideology that seeks only to empower the “common man.”  Right?  I don’t know whether it reveals more about the persistent malevolence of Marxism’s unashamed supporters or the human race’s inexhaustible supply of gullibility that Marx continues to lure willing disciples to further his vile legacy of mass starvation, torture, and death.  Marxism is the evil clown lurking in the sewer that reappears every generation to feast on tender human flesh, but almost every college campus in America would insist that such a description is hyperbole stemming from irrational fear.  To oppose socialism and communism today because of the murder spree the twin philosophies undertook in the past is Marx-o-phobic and should be treated like any other mental illness.

At least that’s what the psychologists and psychiatrists would say because Marxists took over the mental health profession long ago.  It is a well-known observation that wherever Marxists infiltrate, they soon corrupt.  Environmental science would not be fixated on the demonstrable lie that human energy consumption is precipitating catastrophic “climate change” if Marxists had not needed a global boogeyman to frighten national populations into embracing a centrally controlled economy.  President Trump would not be seated as a defendant in four separate criminal trials and scores of civil suits if Marxist prosecutors and judges were not committed to perverting the rule of law for ideological gain.  Schools and employers would not be selecting applicants based on the color of their skin or exotic sexual appetites if DEI, ESG and other Marxist initiatives had not elevated privileged mediocrity over hard work, skill, and merit.  Nobody would be so asinine as to call mathematics “racist” if Marx’s civilization-destroying acolytes had not first succeeded in permeating every level of education.  

Science and justice are dead because Marxists rise to power only after summarily executing knowledge and truth.  Once they have done so, Science works for Marx.  It is why the biological tenets of Lysenkoism thrived in the Soviet Union despite their glaring absurdities.  It is how “climate change” fearmongers can be wrong about every prediction (and flip-flop between prophecies of a cooling and warming Earth) and still be honored as “experts.”  And it is why entire chapters in medical textbooks are written that categorize the slightest opposition to Marxist orthodoxies as indicative of a troubling mental disease.

This makes sense, since communist societies have a long history of imprisoning political dissidents in psychiatric wards as an effectively humiliating alternative to criminally prosecuting ideological rivals.  What?  You don’t believe in the abolition of private property or that breadlines are the fault of anti-government, capitalist pigs?  You must be crazy!  Send this lunatic to the nuthouse!  

In the former Soviet Union, it was not unusual for a family member to “disappear” one day without any formal notice from the State or for heartbroken relatives to discover only years later that their loved-one had died during “treatment” in an insane asylum.  Similar human rights atrocities have occurred in Central and South American communist countries and still occur in communist China today.  Marxists are fond of sentencing their enemies to a nightmarish existence in which the body is trapped in a straitjacket and the mind is kept numb with a drip-feed cocktail of tranquilizers and other antipsychotics.  

I must admit that Marxists’ proclivity for treating their enemies as mentally ill has made me reluctant to involve the government in the legitimate mental health crisis that afflicts the United States today.  Bright minds (including the late, great Charles Krauthammer) have long pointed to changes in civil commitment statutes over the last half-century that made it more difficult for patients to be committed against their will and the subsequent closure of government-run psychiatric hospitals throughout the country as being chiefly responsible for spikes in certain categories of violent crime.  A good deal of research on homelessness, addiction, suicide, and murder suggests that the trend toward deinstitutionalization since the 1960s has produced tragic results.  

On the other hand, I am extremely leery of returning certain involuntary commitment powers back to psychiatrists and government health “experts” when both professional communities pray at the altar of Marx.  Just as the Patriot Act was sold as a necessary national security measure before proving to be a grotesquely unconstitutional domestic surveillance weapon used against American citizens, empowering the federal government with renewed authority to fight mental illness sounds reasonable in theory but will most likely result in a substantial number of MAGA Americans being forcibly disarmed, prejudicially labeled, and involuntarily confined.  After all, in the eyes of a Marxist counselor or judge, is anyone more “dangerous” than an enthusiastic supporter of President Trump?  Sadly, J6 political prisoners know that answer all too well.

Make no mistake, Marxists are already using the language of mental health to intimidate political opponents.  A small Chicago suburb recently removed the only Republican from the village’s library board.  His “crime”?  He opposed “drag queen bingo,” criticized the board’s plan to replace the Pledge of Allegiance with a statement that the town’s land had been “stolen by white Christian men from the Indians,” and refused to post his “pronouns” on the library’s website.  The town’s Marxists insisted that these viewpoints made them feel “unsafe.”  “This has nothing to do with political affiliation, and everything to do with dangerous extremism,” one Marxist explained, before expressing dismay that the thought offender had refused to be re-educated. 

Meanwhile, in the UK, police officers and a government psychologist forced their way into a man’s home not because he had committed any crimes but rather because they had “a few concerns” about a social media post in which he had encouraged Christians to “stand up” after an Islamic terrorist stabbed a bishop in Australia.  “People raised concerns about your views…about what’s going on in Australia,” one police officer explained.  Just as in Illinois, jackbooted authoritarianism comes in the form of psychological “help.”

Marxism could be defined as a system in which insane tyrants rule and sane objectors are committed for their “health.”

<p><em>Image: david__jones via <a href="">Flickr</a>, <a href="">CC BY 2.0</a>.</em></p>
<p>” captext=”<a href=''>david__jones</a>”  data-src=””></p>
<p><em>Image: david__jones via <a href=Flickr, CC BY 2.0.

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