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Florida Student Targeted with Cease and Desist by Taylor Swift Reveals Climate Crusader Flew 178,000 Miles in One Year

Pop phenom Taylor Swift’s threatened legal action against a Florida college student who tracks her private jet travels has still come to nothing as he revealed she flew 178,000 miles in a year.

Computer student Jack Sweeney remains defiant and still posts the whereabouts of the singer’s two private jets, although she sold one earlier this year, as Breitbart News reported.

The 21-year-old has doubled down on releasing flight data, and this month released a YouTube video of all of Taylor’s flights from 2023, which would be enough to fly around the globe seven times.

The U.S. Sun reports the avid flight tracker hasn’t counted how many there are but was told it’s over 170 flights.

The video concludes with the insight “Swift’s two private jets flew 178,000 miles in 2023 equivalent to flying around the earth seven times. emitting ~ 1200 tons of C02 in the process. That’s 83 times the average American.”

Sweeney added a direct Taylor quote, “Jet lag is a choice.”

WATCH as Taylor Swift’s Two Private Jets Are Tracked On Their 2023 Travels

As Breitbart News reported, the target of the threatened lawsuit runs social media accounts that follow her and other celebrities’ private jets to measure their carbon pollution levels.

Plenty of critics find the celebrity air miles squandered amusing and ironic, given celebrities like Taylor Swift are constantly hectoring the world about making changes to their lifestyles in order to fight “climate change.”

A separate study by Yard, a sustainable marketing agency that gathers data on the celebrities with the “worst private jet Co2 emissions,” found Swift was the biggest celebrity CO2e polluter of 2022, amassing a vast 22,923 minutes in the air, which amounts to nearly 16 full, 24-hour days in the sky.

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