ADL CEO: Biden Needs to Encourage Schools to Coordinate with Police to Restore Order

On Thursday’s broadcast of Newsmax TV’s “The Record,” Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt urged President Joe Biden to “encourage campuses to coordinate with law enforcement” to restore order on campuses.
Greenblatt said, “President Biden did the right thing today in taking the podium and asserting people do have the right to protest. We have to tolerate in a democracy even hateful speech that we detest. That’s the price, again, of living in a liberal democracy. … So, what I think the President should do now is, number one, he should propose a federal law banning full face masks. Again, I was there at UCLA on Sunday, just a few days ago, I was at USC before that, I was at Columbia the week before that. I’ve seen this in person. I’ve seen the physical force these protesters use while their faces are fully masked up like they’re extras in an al Qaeda infomercial. It is really inappropriate. It’s intended to intimidate and menace and whether you’re a KKK person with a white hood or you’re a Proud Boy trying to intimidate people at a school board meeting wearing, again, a full mask, when these SJP activists or these Palestinian Youth Movement activists stand there and menace and threaten their other classmates, it’s just wrong, so I would love to see number one, the President do that. Number two, I want him to encourage campuses to coordinate with law enforcement. Order must be restored. Now look, I don’t agree with using excessive force, clearly that’s wrong.”
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