Jesus' Coming Back

Democrat Voter Triage

Four years ago, when Biden “won” the shadiest election in modern history, I expected four or eight years of nonsense and a lot of bad laws that would have to be repealed. Sort of a repeat of the Carter years. Boy howdy, was that ever an overoptimistic assessment. Carter should be thanking his lucky stars that Biden has handily bumped him out of the unenviable spot of “worst president ever.” Which is actually a difficult accomplishment, when you think about it.

I won’t bother to list all of the aspects of his job which Biden has managed to bumble. Once you get past abandoning Americans and equipment in Afghanistan, allowing two wars to start, tanking the economy, ignoring the border laws, and using the Justice Department as his personal pack of thugs, it starts to get depressing. And we’re not even halfway down the rap sheet.

Suffice to say that Uncle Joe has f#@%ed things up, just like Obama fretted he would. Now, Brandon actually might not be in charge, as evidenced by his constant battles with the teleprompter and inability to climb stairs. If that’s the case, the country has actually been run lately by vindictive, squabbling members of the central committee of the politburo. They must be frustrated by their cranky, creaky puppet with the elastic strings, who regularly wanders off script to spew obvious lies as if they are folksy wisdom.

What’s puzzling is that there is an election thundering down upon us, and the Democrats don’t seem to notice. Joe’s not hitting the campaign trail in anything but a half-hearted, phone-it-in way. But that’s because he can’t physically get through a speech in front of a scantily-attended, picked audience. You would expect the Democrats to try to look like they are listening to the majority of voters who are deafening pollsters with negative feedback about how bad things are in flyover country.

A conspiracy theorist might conclude that the Democrats are counting on cheat-by-mail and the millions of welfare migrants to save them in November. And maybe they are. Maybe those scams will “win” them another shady election.

But I am starting to get the distinct feeling that America has simply had enough of old Joe and his pack of grifters. Winston Churchill once observed that Americans will always do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted. We might be at that point, where the chickens of leftist utopian meddling and schemes are coming home to roost.

U.S. Army

American Thinker

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