Jesus' Coming Back

Time to Balance Racial History for Justice’s Sake

Selective history that omits salient facts—especially those involving diverse races—is nothing less than grave injustice. When race is involved, it is itself a form of racism. Sadly, this is true of the general narrative and teaching of America’s slave history. Calls are made to teach more about what slaves endured, yet not about who all the oppressors were. The truth is that America’s slavery represents multi-racial guilt based on multi-racial participants, except for the slaves themselves.

It’s time to balance an untold record for justice’s sake. Selective justice is injustice. As to America’s slavery history, injustice has been allowed for too long. It’s time to balance facts and end racist blame games toward one race only. Teaching false or incomplete narratives as to the participants in this historical tragedy to America’s children and youth is unfair to them. Most importantly, it promotes unnecessary race-based enmities at a very young age. Many black adults are shocked to learn the role of blacks in that tragedy. Such omissions to authentic history sadly play a role in supporting racist huckstering and profiteering from a falsified blame game.

Where should we begin correcting a false, inaccurate, and incomplete record of America’s slave history? Rationally, of course, from where slaves originated, who captured them, and who sold them to Americans. American slaves originated in western Africa south of the Sahara Desert—thus, all black Africans. That historical narrative is true. Missing is who the oppressors were who captured and sold them not only to the Americas but also to millions more to the Middle East Arab Muslim world. Those oppressors were black Africans. Slavery was a very profitable commerce not officially ending in Africa until the late 20th Century. Mauritania—the last nation—finally abolished slavery in 1981. Since American slaves originated in Africa, why is the fact they were captured and sold by blacks not included in teaching in most K-12 schools? Blame is incorrectly and solely aimed at whites who bought, transported, sold, and owned them.

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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