Jesus' Coming Back

What More Can an Ally Do?

The Obama-Biden administration (a name I use for obvious reasons) has been taking a lot of harsh criticisms for being disloyal to their primary Middle Eastern ally lately. Sen. Roger Marshall, (R) Kansas, went so far as to call the Obama-Biden national security policies “schizophrenic.” I must disagree with that assessment. The Obama-Biden policy in the Middle East has been laser focused on helping its ally, ever since they worked so tirelessly to create an executive agreement called the JPCOA. Even going so far as to air-lift pallets of cash to Tehran at the end of their first administration. In the past year, the tireless efforts of their second administration to exert every means necessary to support their friends, can only leave one question: What more can an ally do?

Didn’t the Obama-Biden administration lift the sanctions on Iran on February 21, 2021, a month after they took office, in order to allow their ally access to oil markets and to enrich themselves with $100s of billions since? That is an ally. Didn’t the O-B Administration offer to resume the JPOCA, which will fund and pave a legitimate path for Iran to develop a nuclear arsenal?

Wasn’t it the O-BA that abandoned the vitally strategic air base of Bagram, Afghanistan, on July 2, 2021? A fully functional American military asset that took 20 years of blood and treasure to build and secure, and which created an American foothold and a measure of security in the Midde East? Has not the O-BA’s principal ally benefitted immeasurably by acquiring the air base, plus $Billions of modern weaponry? Didn’t the manner of withdrawal from Afghanistan inspire the surrender of the Afghan army and hand two new subsidiary Islamic states to Iran, paving their way to regional political hegemony?

One would think this enough for anyone to attest, the Obama-Biden Administration knows how to help their friend.

In August, 2023, the O-BA liberated $10 Billion in Iranian assets with no strings attached, and then in September paid Iran $6 Billion for the transfer of five hostages.

On October 7, the O-BA got what they paid for. Among the 20 different proxies which Iran directly funds with oil revenues and unfrozen assets, Hamas invaded Israel with no provocation. Hamas butchered 1,400 people, 1,100 of whom were unarmed, over 600 were too old or too young to fight, hundreds of women were raped and then murdered, over 2,000 other Israelis were wounded.  253 innocents, including a number of Americans, were taken hostage. The Izzudin Al Qassam Brigade of Hamas said: “We thank the Islamic Republic of Iran who provided us with weapons and money…”

But By The Chance Of War is a third-generation printer, whose early career centered on religious and special education publishing.  Lyons has since engaged in literary pursuits as a poet, essayist, screenwriter, and indie publisher.

Image: Orly Orlyson

American Thinker

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