Jesus' Coming Back

Israel Cannot Maintain The Status Quo In Gaza

On Sunday, May 12, on CBS’s and NBC’s political talk shows, Secretary of State Antony Blinken predicted that, even after the war in Gaza, Israel would be “left holding the bag on an enduring insurgency because a lot of armed Hamas will be left, no matter what Israel does in Rafah.” Blinken was right if incapable of considering a possible solution, perhaps because it would favor Israel.

A self-respecting Israel must finally gird its loins (a Biblical expression), and demand its right to sovereign ownership of Gaza. And as the legitimate landlord, it will have the authority to evict squatters, who, in the last election and via every opinion poll since, have supported the Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas, whose goal is to finish Hitler’s work.

Indeed, like the Nazis, the Brotherhood’s religion has had a 1,400-year history of mass murdering Jews, starting with the decapitation of hundreds at the Khaibar Oasis, a slaughter carried out by Muhammad himself.

In every century thereafter, Muslims massacred Jews. They butchered them in Toledo, Spain, in 1066; so did the rampaging Al-Muwahiddun (Almohades) in 12th-century Andalusia and North Africa. The Muslims expelled the Jews from Yemen in 1679; murdered hundreds in Algiers in 1805; and that’s just the shortlist.

Excited Gazans desecrate and photograph Shani Louk’s body. X screen grab.

Today, 70% of the people in Gaza are supported by the Brotherhood’s UNRWA tentacle. That organization began as a UN operation but, over time, was infiltrated by the Brotherhood that took over this greatest welfare scam in history. UNRWA was created in 1949 to support the “Arab refugees,” as they were then called. They were victims of the failed Arab war bent on destroying the born-again Jewish state.

However, after a decade, a process began to convert the “Arab refugees” into “Palestinian refugees” when, in truth, the original refugees were not at all “Palestinian.” They were a mixed bag of migrant workers from all over Araby. They had no immovable property to worry about when the war began, allowing them to run for safety behind Arab lines in the belief that soon their co-religionists in the invading Arab armies would kill all the Jews, thus allowing them to loot the wealth the Jews had created over almost a century of restoring their Promised Land to habitability.

Ever since, this spawn of the original refugees has been supported by the Brotherhood as if they were refugees themselves, when that is a lie because Gaza’s “Palestinian refugees” are neither Palestinian nor refugees.

It’s questionable whether, in Israel’s lifetime, there’s been even one year during which Gaza’s Muslims did not penetrate Israel and murder Jews. Israel’s Sinai Campaign of 1956 was in reaction to terror strikes out of Gaza by fedayeen, a religious concept encompassing those who “sacrifice” themselves. That began to change in 1959.

At a March 29 meeting in Cairo of the Arab League, its headman, Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt, proposed transforming the refugees into a national entity, a kiyan filistini, in imitation of the Muslims in Algeria, then in their fifth year of a terrorist rebellion that Nasser supported against the French. After four decades of leadership by the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the anti-Israel vocabulary had been exclusively Islamic/religious. The Mufti was adamant that the “Palestine” invented by the League of Nations was a fiction. He insisted there never was such a polity under Islam, and he was right.

In Algeria, the Muslims had realized that their religious violence against infidels would win no support in France and Europe, so they retrofitted their lexicon with politically fashionable terms like a “war of national liberation” and created the FLN (Le Front de Liberation Nationale). No longer would they call their assassins fedayeen; now they were “freedom fighters.” Nasser’s idea was to rebrand the mixed bag of migrant laborers as “Palestinian,” a nationality heretofore unheard of.

So Blinken is right that Gaza, in its current undefined status, will always be a bloody thorn in Israel’s side. The solution is for Israel finally to fight for ownership of Gaza, per the United Nations Charter of 1945, which adopted the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine of 1922. Both the Mandate and the Charter held that all the land “from the river to the sea” was assigned to the Jewish people and described in the Mandate as their “historic homeland.”

Because the post-religious Israelis have always (messianically) believed in a future of friendship with the Arabs, they have never demanded their rights, acting like Esau, who scorned his birthright. Before friendship, Israel must demand respect for the Jewish nation’s right to live free of the Muslim persecution that’s been their lot since the days of Muhammad, on land the Zionists brought back to habitability and the UN recognized as theirs.

This will be in stark contrast to Israel’s behavior since 1967, which has seen Israelis wishing to return some of the spoils taken from the enemy in the ignorant belief that would satisfy the enemy. In particular, one of the atheists, the late Dr. Ron Pundak, PhD, who concocted the so-called Oslo Peace Process of 1993 that morphed into a Bloodbath Process, once admitted that the principal purpose of “Oslo” was to prevent religious Zionists from settling in Judea and Samaria, when Israel’s identity was that of the socialist founders of non-believers.

Israel must set aside its fantasy of peace with Muslims—whose religion is all about jihad/war against infidels—and demand its right to humanely evict the 70% and have their brethren in the 56 officially Muslim states take them in. Certainly, Israel has the legal right to claim Gaza and expel this community of Jew-hating rapists, mutilators, torturers, and kidnappers.

Blinken is right that even demolishing the remaining Hamas battalions will not end the Strip as a launch pad for more Jew-killing. The only solution is to emulate the Allies at Potsdam after WWII, who ordered ten million ethnic Germans living in Europe outside of Germany to uproot themselves and go live in the new, truncated Germany because, during the War, when Hitler’s Wehrmacht invaded these countries, these ex-pat ethnic Germans collaborated with them.

Then, after the War, the citizens of the countries in which those ex-pat Germans lived took their revenge big time. They murdered thousands. Potsdam was punished by telling the ethnic Germans to vacate their homes, businesses, sports clubs, and churches — with no compensation –and return to their subjugated ancestral Vaterland.

Israel has the right to free itself of neighboring people that, over the last twenty years, have fired not tens but scores of thousands of rockets into Jewish communities, with the post-religious Israelis pathetically supporting these barbarians. When in human history was there ever such a relationship? People X fires rockets into the homes of People Y, who respond by supplying X with the free electricity needed to make these rockets. Call this Jewish psychopathology.

Indeed, to this day, Israel’s post-religious prime minister wants “security control” over the Strip after the fighting, which means sovereignty, but he still cannot bring himself to demand that right embedded in the UN Charter, as well as the human right not to have to live next door to these ethical Neanderthals. Muslims think a kosher tactic in war is the mass rape, torture, kidnapping, mutilation, and murder of the enemy’s unarmed non-combatants. It is a fact that what in the West are called terrorists, Muslims call “soldiers.”

The solution is a civilized evacuation of the freeloaders in Gaza supported by the Muslim Brotherhood/UNRWA and scores of gentile nations, some with a history of satanic cruelty toward the Jewish people. Israel must claim legal and legitimate ownership of Gaza and establish a policy of working toward the departure of the Muslims there claiming to be ancient “Palestinian refugees.”

Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard at

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