Jesus' Coming Back

Up or Down? Which Direction will Climate Change Take Air Pollution Levels?

The Biden Administration is tightening air pollution regulations again, this time by dropping particulate matter standards to levels near natural background concentrations in some areas. The move can further handicap America’s low-cost, abundant energy supplies, increase consumer costs, and disproportionately burden lower-income families. Of course, human-culpable climate change is invoked for any drastic measures imposed on the supposedly passive populace.

Air pollution is certainly a concern; however, some perspective on where the nation has come from and where it’s going on this issue is necessary. A look at research germane to air quality levels and climate change is also important.

Regarding perspective, the fifty-fourth Earth Day was celebrated last month on April 22. Much of the angst that prompted that designated day in 1970 emerged from serious air pollution events. Perhaps, the most important event occurred seventy-five years ago in late 1948.

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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