Jesus' Coming Back

Nolte: Director Wants Trump Movie, ‘The Apprentice,’ with Fake Rape Scene Released During 2nd Debate

Ali Abbasi, the fascist director of The Apprentice, a movie that includes a fake scene where former President Trump rapes his first wife Ivana, is openly hoping to interfere in our election by having his movie released during the upcoming presidential debates:

Abbasi, while not commenting on who his distributor might be, did say that September 15 would be a nice release date for the movie, timed to the second presidential debate.

“We have this promotional event, the U.S. election, with us and the movie, so we’re hoping to very much to come out,” said Abbasi.

So this guy invents a scene where Donald Trump rapes his first wife, Ivana — even after Ivana repeatedly denied a rape ever took place — and now he’s hoping to rig our election with this fake rape stuff.

What we have here is another edition of Democrats Sure Got It Good

Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley claims His Fraudulency freaken took showers with her. She’s not retracted the allegation. Creepy Joe hasn’t even denied the allegation!

Tara Reade has credibly accused Biden of finger-raping her. She’s even been forced to flee the country. She’s also Biden’s eighth(!) accuser. Reade has not retracted her claim, and there’s a lot of evidence that backs her claim. But…

Who gets the big Hollywood movie timed for the election that (falsely) accusing him of a sex crime? Trump, even though the so-called victim herself said it never happened.

Trump is right to sue the filmmakers. This is naked defamation.

This is how good Democrats have it…

By the time The Apprentice is released, tens of millions of dollars will have been spent producing and promoting a Big Lie, which makes this just one more in-kind contribution from the establishment left to the Biden 2024 presidential campaign. And it’s all legal, even though it’s all lies and deliberately timed to rig the election.

Add this to the multi-million dollar Hollywood award shows aimed at reelecting Biden.

Add this to multiple pro-Biden super PACs that call themselves CNN, NBC, NPR, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, the New York Times, and Washington Post that are 100 percent devoted to reelecting Biden.

Add this to Joe Biden and his cronies actively trying to put Trump in prison with these phony criminal charges.

Also, these monsters and the corporate media and Hollywood fascists who defend them do not care one whit about the late Ivana Trump or Trump’s family. This is how evil these people are. No woman would want to be remembered as a rape victim, especially if she wasn’t raped. The left do not care. And what about Trump’s children and grandchildren? No one on the left cares about them because they have set aside their own humanity to win an election.

And these people have and want even more power over us.

I understand evil people who are so power hungry they will do anything — anything — for more power. What I don’t understand is people who vote for them.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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