Jesus' Coming Back

The Damaging Modern Cultural Imperative of ‘Compassion’

Under the left’s aegis, which values emotion over reason, “compassion” is the highest societal goal. However, as the West’s collapse shows, while compassion has a place in a civilized society, it’s no way to run a country.

For several millennia, there were only three cultural imperatives:

  • Grow enough food to ward off starvation
  • Be strong enough to ward off invaders
  • Develop a society-wide sense of self and maintain continuity

In the modern era, we’ve added a fourth imperative, which is to advance technology, politics, and the economy.

The first two are easily grasped, although modern nations often overlook or undervalue the third. Aside from these four imperatives, everything else is negotiable.

Recently, though, we’ve been told about a new cultural imperative (emphasis added):

“The Archewell Foundation believes that compassion is the defining cultural force of the 21st century and, through its work, Archewell Foundation supports a growing community of partner organizations fueling systematic cultural change. Archewell Foundation listens to people and their communities, helps them to tell their stories, puts real action behind its words, and spotlights a new generation of leadership.”


Like me, you could be forgiven if you never heard of the Archewell Foundation. Archewell is the foundation that Meghan Markel and Prince Harry founded. The above is their stated public mission statement.

I’m not into English monarchy, but the above statement aligns with many charitable and now corporate entities that cite compassion as their raison d’etre. I’m sure the many self-styled progressives would agree that a compassion-centric world is the bare starting point and will lead to universal brotherhood (sisterhood?) for all.

Except it’s not true. Time and again, we see that selfish greed is the primary motivation for all animals, up to and including homo sapiens.

It is no accident that most progressives are young and older women who frequently live in better circumstances than those in which most people find themselves—a fact confirmed by the continuing number of affluent women opting out of the workforce while rejecting the system that granted them a superior lifestyle and choice.

An undeniable facet of opting out is choosing not to work or only working as necessary while aspiring to an obviously fallacious progressive state of mind. An ability unavailable to many of those who work within the established system of values and norms—frequently rejected by those who have the luxury of choice.

Choice is truly the epitome of Western economies. Not everyone has it, but no other society has such luxury in such abundance. This is the bedrock on which so much of progressive dogma rests—compassion over natural law. Yes. Unfair or not, history bears me out. Throughout history, compassion has always been the exception, not the rule: even the church, which feigned compassion, only exchanges “compassion” for strict obedience. Stray outside of church dogma, and you were labeled a heretic and faced all sorts of possible bad ends. Eskimos would put grandma on an ice floe when her teeth no longer allowed her to chew blubber. Even when you thought you were seeing compassion, like an old tribal chieftain who could no longer speak or do anything for himself, the tribe cared for him because it validated core tribal beliefs that required fealty to the end of life, not compassion.

History is replete with individuals banished, stoned, strangled, or worse because their usefulness to society was at an end. My Father (a philosopher King) always told me loyalty, compassion, and honor were situational. A stance I long disagreed with until I saw it in action. Like everything in life, there are exceptions to the rule, but I have seen a father give their daughter to a man for money and not see that as wrong since it benefited the family in a simple transactional manner. Another example: Katrina demonstrated that modern civilization would unravel into anarchy after two days without food and civil authority.

So many ideologies espoused today—wokeism, equity, diversity, economic equality, equal educational attainment, restorative justice, restorative history, anti-zionism, and more—are all built upon a claimed foundation of “compassion.”

Did your enemy kill or capture 1,400 Jews? Under the modern rubric, you’re barred from swearing to impose a military price on your enemy. Instead, you must demonstrate the requisite compassion for those victimized and understand their motives.

Once you see misguided “compassion” as the foundational leftist value, it’s no longer so confusing to see the relentless push for obscure and societally rare practices such as trans athletes, queer, or other strange and hard-to-define proclivities like gender fluidity.

We are no longer allowed to make judgments based on logic, history, and our powers of deductive reasoning. Instead, we must travel with the herd and make sure we don’t think independently or rationally, lest we realize that compassion is not a foundation but is, instead, the emotion we use that can fend off logic. Immanuel Kant understood this when he wrote:

“All immoral actions are irrational because they violate the CI” (Categorical Imperatives)

Friends, everything about progressivism reeks of immorality and irrationality. Compassion, as a philosophical omega, is an empty vessel that takes everything and gives you back nothing in return. Elevated to a right, compassion for compassion’s sake is intellectual and moral theft, akin to a flesh-eating ameba that devours its host with no emotion or thought.

Only the most indoctrinated, uneducated, intellectually lazy, and morally bankrupt believe in the axiom of something for nothing. In a nutshell, that is what progressivism and compassion share in common and demand from us all. It has become a virtual religion with its high priests and priestesses that lead chants and incarnations designed to sharpen messages that may not be logical but are, in many cases, quite lyrical.

We should examine what Cultural Imperatives are real vs. specious claptrap. Obama’s reign brought us emotion over logic. Since then, our country has descended into an Orwellian world of NewSpeak and a blind belief that what you believe, safe spaces, the right to steal from others, you didn’t build that and every other preposterous pronouncement is honest and not simply contrived out of thin air.

That’s the case with compassion; it’s sorcery and make-believe foisted on a subset of civilized people who either have not been taught or don’t believe in rational thought any longer. Undoubtedly, most of those poor souls are due for a comeuppance in the not-to-distant future. We must not avert our eyes to society’s loss by accepting these false truths. Compassion, as described herein, is evil.

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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