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UKR Stabilizes Battlefield Situation in Vovchansk Area; RU’s Focus Remains on Avdiivka Axis in Attempt to Split UKR Forces in Donetsk Oblast; UKR Battalion Defends Chasiv Yar; UKR Destroys RU Missile Ship; 55 C-Clashes in 8 Dir at Front; RU Loses-24hrs: 1300 Sold, 15 Tanks, 42 Art-Sys, 34 Arm-Veh, 28 of 29 Drones Downed Ov-Night, LIVE UPDATES and LOTS MORE

Ukraine stabilizes battlefield situation in Vovchansk area:

The situation in Kharkiv region remains difficult, but Ukraine’s Defense Forces managed to stabilize it, in particular in the town of Vovchansk.

That’s according to Nazar Voloshyn, the spokesperson for the Khortytsia Grouping, who spoke on the air of the national telethon, Ukrinform reports.

“The situation in Kharkiv region remains difficult and is changing dynamically, but our Defense Forces and all units involved managed to stabilize it, in particular in the town of Vovchansk. The enemy, of course, does not stop trying to break through our defenses near Lyptsi, Vovchansk, and Starytsia. The invaders combine ground assaults with airstrikes, deploying aviation,” Voloshyn said.

He noted that the enemy carried out 83 attacks in this area in the past week, and as of this morning, five combat clashes had already taken place. At the same time, the number of engagements with the enemy has almost halved compared to the previous day, the spokesman said.

The enemy does not stop trying to concentrate efforts toward Streleche-Lyptsi and on the capture of the town of Vovchansk with further access to Bilyi Kolodiaz. The Russians plan to advance deep into the Ukrainian defense lines.

“Near the borders, the enemy created and significantly strengthened the operational-tactical grouping of troops “North”, which includes combat units from the 6th Army, the 11th and 44th Army Corps. However, our Defense Forces are holding on, trying to dislodge the enemy troops toward Hlyboke, and in the Vovchansk area, where the enemy intends to gain a foothold precisely in residential buildings, our defenders are doing everything possible not to allow them to do so,” the spokesman said. —>READ MORE HERE

UK intel: Russia’s focus remains on Avdiivka axis in attempt to split Ukraine forces in Donetsk Oblast:

The UK Defense Ministry says in its intelligence update that although Russia has recently opened a new axis in the northeastern Kharkiv oblast, Russian attacks remain high in eastern Ukraine, focused on the area northwest of Avdiivka along the E50 highway. In the area, the Russians have likely made small tactical gains over the past 72 hours at heavy cost, likely aiming to create a salient and split Ukrainian forces in Donetsk.

The E50 highway is described as the main line of communication between Russian-held Donetsk and the Ukrainian-held town of Pokrovsk, which is approximately 30km from the current frontline position and likely a Russian operational objective. Ukrainian forces reported heavy clashes with Russian forces on 18 and 19 May in the areas of Bilohorivka, Verknokamianske, and Rozdolivka to the north of Bakhmut near Siversk, though Russian gains there remain highly limited, according to the report

The ministry wrote:

  • Although Russia has opened a new axis in the north-eastern Ukrainian oblast of Kharkiv, Russian attacks remain high in eastern Ukraine. 
  • Russian forces continued their operational focus on the axis north-west of Avdiivka with attacks on a broad frontage either side of the E50 highway. Russian forces have likely made a series of small tactical gains over the last 72 hours, though probably at heavy cost. 
  • The E50 highway represents the main line of communication between Russian held Donetsk and the Ukrainian held town of Pokrovsk, which remains approximately 30km from current frontline position, but is likely a Russian operational objective. Russian attacks in this direction likely seek to create a salient and split Ukrainian forces in Donetsk.
  • To the north of Bakhmut, in the vicinity of the town of Siversk, Ukrainian forces reported heavy clashes with Russian forces on 18 and 19 May 2024 with attacks against Ukrainian positions in Bilohorivka, Verknokamianske, and Rozdolivka. Russian gains in this area remain highly limited.


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