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In Its Pursuit Of Power, The Democrat Party Openly Allies With Jihadists

Thanks to progressive Democrat control over educational institutions, media, and the administrative state, Democrats are encouraging an environment that is eerily like 1930s Nazi Germany. As in Germany, many institutions of higher education have become Marxist indoctrination centers that work together with Muslims to overthrow the West, destroy Christianity, and slaughter Jews.

Currently, Marxists and Muslims are perfectly aligned. They believe in statism and complete obedience to the state, political violence, and murderous hatred for Jews and Christians. To achieve power, they are willing (temporarily) to embrace the leftist obsession with race and homosexuality.

This alliance explains why Marxists have substantially increased Muslim immigration into America, spurred on by eight years of Barack Obama’s pro-Iranian presidency. American Thinker readers will recall that one of Obama’s early acts was his “American apology tour.” Watching an American President bow before the Saudi Muslim head of state was sickening. Obama, who many believe is Muslim, also swooned over the beauty of the Islamic call to prayer and put Islam, a bit player in America, into a position of preeminence in our history.

Muslim protesters also shouted, “Death to America.”

The war in Gaza was always meant to provide Hamas with a political victory. The American left seeks to justify creating a Palestinian terror state by promoting the Palestinians as victims of a genocidal Israeli government. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a false narrative utilizing the vast network of leftist media to propagandize this falsehood. The media and other leftists have encouraged the campus unrest fueled by fabricated fatality counts and charges of genocide.

Time magazine’s retired Columbia professor Les Roberts is an example of the insanity of accepting information from a terrorist organization as a basis for driving policy. (During World War II, would the Western nations have accepted Nazi propaganda?) In the outlandish “The Science Is Clear. Over 30,000 People Have Died in Gaza,” Roberts, whose full title is “Professor Emeritus at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health,” wrote:

Do the Gaza Ministry of Health numbers combine combatants and civilians? Yes, but this does not imply manipulation. Making the distinction is sometimes not called for and is functionally hard for the health system to do. There is something imperfect in every government measure but that does not mean they should be ignored.

Talk about whistling in the wind. In fact, the lack of verification has forced the truth out of both Hamas and the UN. The Foundation for Defense of Democracy now reports that the Gaza (Hamas) Ministry of Health is unable to verify the identities of over 10,000 of the 34,000 claimed dead. This would be laughable if it were not so serious a situation. And here’s the final verification of fatality falsehoods: “UN Cuts Estimate of Children Killed in Gaza by 50%; Blames ‘Fog of War’ for Errors.” If I had to guess, I’d shave off another 20% to get to the real numbers, given Israel’s obsessive care to protect enemy civilians.

There is no genocide going on in Gaza. What’s happening is that Israel is fighting a war against Hamas, a military organization, in accordance with international law governing armed conflict:

In fact, both Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Defense Department spokesperson former Admiral John Kirby have gone on record publicly asserting that Israel is not guilty of genocide. Secretary Austin also acknowledged that Hamas is guilty of war crimes.

Nevertheless, based on the accepted Hamas lies, it’s been reported that the U.S. administration has green-lighted arrest warrants for Israeli military leaders, something carried out through the sham International Criminal Court (“ICC”)—followed, of course, by a performative Biden condemnation.

The ICC’s action legitimizes the civil unrest growing across America, the consequences of which are hard to predict. An already unstable Europe, thanks to allowing infinite legal and illegal Muslim immigration, will continue to see Muslim riots across EU nations. (A recent American Thinker post shared how the European Muslim community is declaring a new Caliphate.) The exceptions are the few EU nations that were wise enough to tell Brussels “nein” to Muslim immigration.

The current internationally orchestrated legal attack on Israel can be directly attributed to the Biden Administration. According to Robert Spencer, the Chief Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC), Karim Khan, was elected to his position three years ago with American assistance. He immediately cleared two cases against America for war crimes related to Afghanistan and now serves the needs of his American handlers. This is no different than the “lawfare” directed against President Trump.

As proof of the ICC’s bias against Israel, the ICC has never green-lighted arrest warrants for Ayatollah Khamenei or other members of Iran’s regime for funding and directing Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. What about the Hamas war criminals living the good life in Qatar? There will never be a call from the ICC to extradite these criminals.

To seal the deal between the progressive Democrats and the Islamic community, our Senate chaplain said a prayer of condolence to the people of Iran when Ebrahim Raii died. Within Iran, Raise was known as “The Butcher of Tehran” for his role in overseeing the murder of thousands of innocents during his time in power. (link 2a) But Trump is Hitler!

Israel is an indispensable ally in the war against Islamic terrorism. Hezbollah, Israel’s enemy to the north, which constantly fires rockets at Israel’s civilian populations, is a narco-terrorist organization now aligned with the drug cartels in the Western Hemisphere. Hezbollah presents a direct threat to America. Likewise, our European allies are threatened by a growing Hamas insurgency on the European continent. America and Europe should join with Israel to eliminate these threats. Instead, they attack Israel.

American Thinker

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