Jesus' Coming Back
Monthly Archives

June 2024

Who’s Behind This Show?

Most now know Joe Biden has serious dementia problems. Many thought this was already true during the last election. They kept him in the basement, he never did much, never campaigned much, never gave many press…

The Real Story of the Soviets and the Nazis

Marxist activists and historians, along with their left-wing allies often make the claim that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics under Joseph Stalin should somehow receive our thanks and praise for the defeat of Nazism. They…

Biden, Age, and Elder Abuse

Elder abuse plagues 1 of 6 people 60 years of age and older, according to the World Health Organization.It’s nice to see the WHO looking at real public health issues rather than pushing a “pandemic treaty” that would de facto make them king…

Gullibility 101

We watch Washington D.C. like we’d watch a ship steaming way too fast toward a crowd on the pier. Our nation’s capital is so filled with corruption, ladder-climbing, and plain stupidity that it’s embarrassing to watch. This is…

Battery Baloney, Hydrogen Hype, and Green Fairy Tales

How low Australia has fallen -- our once-great BHP now has a “Vice President for Climate,” the number of Australian students choosing physics at high school is collapsing, and our government opposes nuclear energy while pretending we can…

Littered With Lies

The day after Joe Biden turned in the horrific debate performance that many of us knew was coming, and after countless Democrat apparatchiks finally had to admit what many of us have long known -- that Joe Biden is unfit to serve as U.S.…

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