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Former NIH Director Admits Government Was Top Source Of Covid Misinformation; Reps. Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie Threaten CDC Subpoena for Vaccine Efficacy Data, and other C-Virus related stories

Former NIH Director Admits Government Was Top Source Of Covid Misinformation:

Four years ago, U.S. state, local, and federal goverments pushed “social-distancing” policies separating Americans six feet away from other people everywhere they went. Now former National Institute of Health (NIH) Director Francis Collins has admitted no “science or evidence” ever backed these heavy-handed, comprehensive restrictions — another key proof the left’s war on so-called “disinformation” is so dangerous.

A memo National Review obtained, from the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, details Collins’ closed-door testimony earlier this year. It reveals that Collins had not seen evidence on March 22, 2020, to support the widely obeyed federal policy when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) instituted six-foot social distancing rules.

“Do you recall science or evidence that supported the six-foot distance?” Collins was asked.

“I do not,” Collins said. “I did not see evidence, but I’m not sure I would have been shown evidence at that point.”

“Have you seen any evidence since then supporting six feet?”

“No,” Collins responded.

So Collins admits the federal government lacked any scientific basis for this massive social policy it pushed on Americans, including by colluding with Big Tech to shut down public debate about Covid-19 responses. Such debate could have revealed that many Covid policies weren’t backed by good research. Instead, numerous federal officials pressed Google, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to shut down skepticism and contrary information it falsely labeled “misinformation” and “disinformation,” including articles from The Federalist.

This censorship effort effectively secured an information monopoly for federal agencies, including the CDC and NIH, to spread false information. As the lawsuit Murthy v. Missouri and other investigations later revealed, these government officials then used their information monopoly gained through accusing others of “misinformation” to spread actual misinformation, including that “social distancing” was scientifically proven necessary to “save lives.” —>READ MORE HERE

Reps. Jim Jordan, Thomas Massie threaten CDC subpoena for vaccine efficacy data:

Reps. Jim Jordan and Thomas Massie threatened Thursday to subpoena the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for records related to COVID-19 vaccine efficacy among those already infected with the virus.

Jordan (R-Ohio), the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Massie (R-Ky.), the chairman of its subcommittee on the administrative state, made the threat in a letter to CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen — which was exclusively obtained by The Post — as part of their investigation into the effectiveness of federally mandated COVID jabs.

If the CDC does not turn over information by May 30, both GOP chairs vowed they would “resort to compulsory process in order to obtain it.”

“On December 6, 2023, Chairman Massie wrote to request documents and information related to a CDC study released on October 29, 2021[,] that supposedly supported the CDC’s inaccurate claims about vaccine efficacy,” Jordan and Massie told Cohen.

“The CDC has continued to promote some of this information, even after being notified that its messaging was inaccurate, and remains steadfast in its insistence that these inaccurate representations are correct,” they said.

Jordan and Massie asked for all the documents in unredacted form following the latter’s initial request for the material in October of last year.

In an Oct. 20, 2023, letter to Cohen, Massie said he had spoken to four CDC officials early in the pandemic about an inaccurate claim “that the [COVID] vaccine was 92% effective in individuals with prior infection” — a correction request that earned him the moniker “Eagle Eye Massie” from a then-chief medical officer at the agency’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases.

Neither Pfizer’s trial data for vaccinations nor the Food and Drug Administration’s analysis of that data supported that finding in December 2020.

Despite a promise to remove the misleading claim and an admission from another official that there was “not sufficient” data to prove it, the CDC only altered it partially in January 2021 to say vaccine efficacy was “similarly high” in people with and without prior COVID infections. —>READ MORE HERE

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NEW YORK POST: Coronavirus The Latest

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