Jesus' Coming Back

The Trump Conviction and the New Democrat Playbook

Former President Trump was convicted last week by a New York City jury of 34 felonies. These “Frankenstein” felonies, created from misdemeanor offenses past their statute of limitations and the suggestion of federal election law violations, were unprecedented and designed to target one specific individual: Donald J. Trump. Given the extraordinary power and reach of the government today, all the state needs are a few facts and a couple of tax returns, and they can produce criminal charges tailor-made for anybody. And they will win.

Whether you think the trial was a political witch hunt depends largely on your political affiliation and your opinion of the former president. However, the details of this prosecution and conviction of a former president are in plain view and now part of the judicial record. The conviction of Donald Trump in New York should make every American citizen — liberal and conservative — uneasy about what is unfolding now in our justice system.

Many people who oppose Trump like to pretend that everything that the media and Democrats in government throw at him is a completely unique crusade, a special circumstance acceptable only because Trump is so “dangerous.” We are constantly being told that Trump is an unprecedented threat to our democracy, and therefore, by extension, any means employed to eliminate him are permissible.

But Trump will either win or lose this election, and then in a few more years, he will fade into memory. What will not fade, however, is the precedent set in this case, if it is allowed to stand. The American people, Democrat and Republican, must reject the use of our legal system to target the unfavored. The only reason Trump was charged in this manufactured prosecution is because he is running for president again. But make no mistake: this conviction has now placed anyone who falls out of favor with the state in legal jeopardy. It’s in the judicial record now, a roadmap on how to target someone who has run afoul of the reigning government authorities.

condemned the trial and conviction of Trump, citing his father’s instructions to his staff as Attorney General that his office would ignore political affiliation on prosecutorial decisions. That impartiality has been the pole star for the American justice system since the founding, making our legal system the envy of the world. If fair-minded Democrats like Kennedy and U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota, who called on New York Gov. Kathy Hochul to pardon Trump, can see the ominous portents in this verdict, who then are these people pushing the Trump persecution and the new Democrat agenda?

Independent voters need to understand these are not typical Democrats. This is a whole new breed, whose desires go far beyond winning elections based on the good for the country. This breed of Democrat that has taken over the party doesn’t talk about the good of the country anymore. They promote niche issues like abortion or transgender rights designed to boost turnout, and global issues like climate change, but very few issues that align with the priorities of everyday Americans as found in the latest polling.

The little secret laid bare in the trial of Donald Trump in New York is the Democrats’ inability to contest in the realm of ideas. They cannot effectively counter Trump’s policies, and they cannot advance a coherent agenda that appeals to a majority of Americans. On immigration, they swing open the borders and lie about it, blaming Republicans; on inflation, they spend recklessly and lie about the inflation rate (Biden recently claimed inflation was 9 percent when Trump was president), fiddling with the employment and core inflation numbers.

The new breed of radical Democrats can’t talk about their real priorities, which plainly is to transform American society and traditions, and they can’t lie about it forever, so they have only one option: shut down the opposition. Shut down their most formidable opponents. This isn’t just a one-off about Trump. It’s the new plan to eliminate anyone who stands in the way of the total transformation of American society that is pushed by today’s far-left Democrats.

That’s the new playbook. And all Americans, even Democrats, should be worried about it. Eventually, the purity police come for everyone.

Image: Udo J. Keppler, Library of Congress

American Thinker

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