Jesus' Coming Back

Progressive Democrats Fear Deficits More Than Conservatives Do

Given how the Democrats keep piling on the deficit, you’d think they don’t care about it. In fact, they’re more afraid than conservatives of the individual collapse. They know, though, that they just need to last through the election. Let me explain.

At its core, deficit spending allows for and underpins all the social programs that progressives require to stay in power. It is the oxygen that has allowed progressives to undermine our social structure to the degree that it has. The Democrats’ subsidies, from education to welfare, are tied to winning at the ballot box. Deficit spending is the tool that allows progressives to hide hard-working Americans’ best interests behind a seemingly unending supply of “goodies” they use to buy votes (e.g., think student debt relief).

Life is hard for many people, and deficit spending temporarily papers over the realities of economic laws and the delusional “science” of demanding carbon net zero by 2050. That last will never happen, but that won’t stop progressive Democrats from spending untold trillions on the equivalent of finding a herd of unicorns.

Democrats have spent or have obligated us to spend more than $50 trillion that we don’t have. The actual number may even be higher, but the problem is that nobody knows or seemingly cares anymore since the numbers are so humongous that they won’t be paid back anyway.

The rub is that we will continue to pay “dear” dollars (non-inflated) as interest until we realize the futility of our position. At this point, a national consensus will develop not to play this suicide game anymore, and we will walk away from the debt as a form of self-preservation.

a public domain image and AI.

You have to take your hats off to the progressive Democrats who have successfully used taxpayer dollars to buy votes right under the noses of supposed conservatives and Republicans. Are there any Republicans who can look you in the eye and say, we’ll figure out how to pay off the debt? I don’t know of one.

The situation in which we find ourselves is the result of ending the gold standard in 1933, which allowed Roosevelt to do precisely what he wanted: print and spend unlimited dollars. Our debt promptly escalated exponentially. Because of America’s post-WWII power, we pulled the rest of the developed world along in our wake. The result is that we possess a fiat currency based on nothing more than fickle trust. Trust is getting in shorter supply as each day passes.

Paired with their spending, Democrats have engineered a tax system that is the most discriminatory in our history. Today, the top half of taxpayers pay 97.7% of all income taxes, with the top 1% paying a startling 45.8%. The bottom half, by extension, pays almost nothing, meaning it has no economic stake in society and an incentive to vote in the party that maintains this devastating status quo.

Nothing escapes the taxman, of course, with sales taxes affecting even those who pay no income or property taxes. There are also literally dozens of other revenue-raising schemes so that everyone is paying an ever larger share of their income or welfare to the government in one way or another, although that’s not always visible. When Biden touts how he protects us from high taxes, he’s lying.

The progressive Democrats’ problem is that they know that, eventually, they’ll be unable to borrow enough money to cover the redistribution that buys them votes. They know there’s only so much they can squeeze out of the producers before living standards plummet, enter a death spiral, and the people who create jobs rebel.

Then, as with any situation in which an employer can’t pay its employees, the Democrats’ constituencies will do the logical thing: they’ll quit and try to find another employer. After all, you gotta eat, right? They’ll fall in line José N. Harris’s philosophy:

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones who do not. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is a part of life, getting back up is living.

When people discover there is no rainbow at the end of the struggle, what we’ve been taught amounts to a circular firing squad, and we all can’t jump ship and move to some tropical island, they might have a moment of crystal clear sanity. Things can’t go on the way they have.

This realization may bring some to despair, but others will be angry. They’ll be so angry that they’ll want righteous retribution for those who stole their and their children’s future, their birthright, and all their tomorrows. The Democrats fear that this epiphany may come to many simultaneously, and that’s when the dam they’ve built gives way.

Currently, the Democrats’ only hope is for Biden to win in November. Then, Trump’s tax cuts will expire, and Biden won’t renew them. Additionally, the economy is lined up for a massive collapse in commercial real estate, as buildings that emptied during the lockdowns never filled again. Meanwhile, the deficit will continue to balloon based on entitlement spending and current government growth alone. Biden will need more money, which will mean more taxes. A new Great Depression awaits, with a snowflake population and a hard-left government.

The Republican party has been notably unsuccessful in unifying against the common threat. I’m not encouraged that the dynamic will change. This is another reason that we must sometimes hold our noses and vote Republican at every level, no matter how we feel about individual candidates. It’s our only chance.

God Bless America.

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at

American Thinker

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