Jesus' Coming Back

Will the Democrats Survive this Year’s Election?

This is obviously a rhetorical question… but it is still based on observations of the real world. Most importantly, the Dems are firmly attached to a seriously unpopular standard-bearer. But, beyond the obvious, Americans and the western world in general are losing their enthusiasm for government-centered solutions to the various problems that we are facing. This is exemplified by such emerging success stories as that of Argentina’s Javier Milei.

Next to inflation and its attendant erosion of our standard of living, crime is at the top of the list of pertinent issues currently being faced. Mayors and district attorneys in even deep blue cities are being threatened with recall en masse. This reaction is hardly arbitrary since there is a blatant demonstration of cause and effect. In order to pander to their inner-city constituents, leftist progressives have their fingerprints all over soft-on-crime laws and policies… hence the cause. Retailers are thus suffering huge losses due to theft — an effect, and its costs are ultimately being born by consumers, along with their having to wait for an attendant to unlock the toothpaste case. Unlike crime, immigration is a federal issue — but it is still seriously linked to local crime — since various foreign criminal organizations are taking advantage of our inept border policies.

Then there are the economically disastrous edicts being handed down in order to modify the weather — such as banning devices that run on gasoline, diesel, or natural gas, let alone coal. This is typically being done in advance of necessary, though not yet available, state-of-the-art technology. Too bad that the weather is pretty much the same as it ever was, despite media-generated hysteria over normal, though dramatic, events — you know, like tornadoes during (ahem) tornado season and along Tornado Alley.

This slide in their popularity is not going unnoticed among the movers and shakers in the Democrat fold. But most of what they can do is to just dump Biden — which is pretty much impossible to do without it being really, really ugly. Let alone it’s already pretty late in the game. Had there been an active spoiler campaigning all along to unseat Biden, such as in 1980 when Ted Kennedy challenged Jimmy Carter, this scenario would have been more realistic. They have also been trying to destroy Trump by putting their Department of Justice toadies to work in tying him up with legal challenges. How’s that working out? Heh, heh, heh. So, here we are: Democrats staring into the abyss.


American Thinker

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