Jesus' Coming Back

Nolte: Only 30% Approve of Biden Student Loan Scheme, Plurality Disapprove

Only 30 percent of Americans approve of His Fraudulency Joe Biden transferring financial responsibility for student loans away from the person who took out the loan and onto the American taxpayer.

A plurality of 40 percent disapprove, with 30 percent saying “neither” (13 percent) or “don’t know” (17 percent).

WATCH — Journalist Asks KJP: Why Are Borrowers “Due” Loan Forgiveness?:


There is no such thing as “forgiving” a student loan. Because the money has already been spent, someone has to pay that loan back. Biden might deliberately misuse the word “forgive,” but the truth is that the burden of repaying the loan is simply transferred to the American taxpayer.

If the government loans me $30,000 to buy a car and I go out and spend that $30,000 on a car, the money is spent. If Hunter’s Dad says I don’t have to pay that money back, the taxpayer has just paid for my car. It’s the same thing with a student loan.

This is why having the federal government handle student loans is naked insanity. There’s no moral hazard behind these loans. In a sane world, schools and universities would back these loans because they are the ones benefiting from all this government largesse. The risk would become their risk, which means there would be a moral hazard and these loans would be handled responsibly. They sure as hell wouldn’t be “forgiven” because then the school would lose all that money.

The entire student loan program is a sick racket where the federal government funnels trillions of taxpayer dollars to left-wing universities so they can pump out neurotic, thin-skinned, purple-haired, Jew-hating, far-left crybullies.

WATCH — NBC’s Ruhle: Biden Is Buying Votes with Loan Plan, but GOP Does That by Letting People Keep More of Their Own Money:

If that isn’t bad enough, Biden has further perverted the student loan program into a billion-dollar vote-purchasing scheme: Vote for me, and you won’t have to pay back your loans.

Without the backing of Congress, Biden is handing out hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to buy millions of votes.

Based on an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll of 1,309 U.S. adults, the public seems to instinctually understand that student loan “forgiveness” is immoral, but have not quite thought it through. This, I think, is why you have 30 percent of the public unable to choose one position or another. But that instinct is apparent, at least to me, in the internals.

Of those who currently have a student loan or know of a family member with a student loan, only 36 percent approve of Biden’s “forgiveness,” while nearly as many — 34 percent — disapprove.

Even among Democrats, only 55 percent approve, while 18 percent disapprove.

Independents seem the most confused. Only 18 percent approve, while only 28 percent disapprove.

Republicans get it. A whopping 71 percent disapprove, while only nine percent approve.

So far, according to the far-left Associated Press, after the Supreme Court struck down Biden’s scheme to “forgive” student loans, his workaround scheme has “forgiven” the debt of four million Americans.

Don’t you love living in a country where those with a college education have their loans paid by those of us without one?

Illegal aliens get free food, housing, gift cards, and healthcare, while Normal People are brutalized by inflation. Leftists are allowed to wantonly desecrate monuments, riot in the streets, and insurrect in state capitals, while Normal People go to jail for driving over a gay flag. And now we’re paying the tuition bills for those making more money than us.

Normal People have been demoted to second-class citizens in their own country.

John Nolte’s first and last novel, Borrowed Time, is winning five-star raves from everyday readers. You can read an excerpt here and an in-depth review here. Also available in hardcover and on Kindle and Audiobook


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