Jesus' Coming Back
Daily Archives

June 12, 2024

Will New York City Die of Stupidity?

Since the 1960s many of America’s foremost cities, notably Detroit, Newark, St. Louis, and Baltimore have exhibited sharp declines in population, economic vitality, and overall quality of life. Today, other major cities such as Los Angeles,…

The Left’s Missing Survival Instincts

On nearly every major issue, progressives are hurtling towards extinction.Abortion, LGBT, guns, crime, open borders, even religion; all the things they relentlessly, senselessly agitate about, if extrapolated out to their inexorable ends,…

My Testimony at the Eastman Disbarment Trial

About a year ago, I received a phone call from John Eastman, the prominent constitutional scholar. He was facing disbarment proceedings for the advice he had given President Trump, had read my book (Debunked), and wanted me to…

The Age of Micro

Or do I mean “gig” or “nano”? Whatever the case, I believe that the dominant political party of the future will be the one whose candidates are conversant in the daily micro-realities that allow a city, or a state, or a nation to…

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