Jesus' Coming Back

Joe’s Distemper Is Showing

It’s been said that in the end, fate gives us all the face that we’ve earned. That maxim seems to have been tailor-made for Joe Biden; can there be a more revealing portal to the man’s core than the unpleasant countenance he now imposes on the public?

As his faculties erode on the national stage, what remains of him, what is still somewhat coherent and translatable, is his essential meanness. It’s a feature that’s always been present, lurking just below the surface of the smiling bonhomie, characterizing his manner and method through most of his political career. Now, as the manufactured good nature recedes, in order to make his words impactful, to give them direction and effect, they need to be propelled by a considerable charge of anger. He puts across his teleprompter-fed points by raising the decibel level to uncomfortable heights.

The bitter, geriatric junkyard dog visage he now sports during his public utterances calls to mind his former White House roomie — the dreaded Secret Service nemesis and eventual D.C. exile, Commander the German Shepherd.

Here in the Big Apple, through the workings of a depressingly corrupted legal machinery — the New York state court system was once the envy of the jurisprudential world (one of the major reasons the city served as financial capital of the world) — the Democrats finally achieved what they have long sought: pinning the appellation “convicted felon” (at least temporarily) on Donald Trump. They and their media allies now create a deafening echo repeating the phrase incessantly.

Yet if demeanor is any indication, it is Joe Biden, and not Donald Trump, who has the look of a man being led to his political execution. Perhaps he knows that while Mr. Trump looks forward to a successful appeal of his phony conviction, Biden has lost nearly every appeal he’s made to the American people since his election.

These days Biden displays the bitter mien of a guy who has long since given up on any effort to persuade people to his side through reason or good works (if indeed he had ever truly attempted one). He is personally offended by those having the temerity to consider Donald Trump a superior choice for the job, and takes no pains to hide his contempt. Question Joe’s fitness, and “you ain’t black,” (or for that matter white, Hispanic, or Asian). You’re just plain stupid.

In the estimation of Kathy Hochul, the struggling-to-reach-mediocre governor of New York and a key Biden ally, you’re just one of Trump’s clowns. Yet she and the rest of the Democrat minions can spit out epithets, but they can’t escape the realization that as a president, a leader, or just simply as an example to the nation, Biden has failed utterly and completely. He and his collaborators have conspired to do great, perhaps irreparable harm to this once great nation — and it’s getting more and more difficult to conclude that it has not all been purposeful.

We saw Biden’s true identity during his recent commencement “address” to Morehead College, the historically black all-male university. It is difficult to imagine a more selfishly destructive, dishonorable, and unworthy tactic than the one Biden employed on what should have been a positive and hopeful occasion for these graduates. For the sake of political advantage, this not-so-closeted bigot attempted to turn the place into a Plantation of Higher Learning. Forget the efforts of these young men to educate and better themselves; according to this half-crazed haranguer they were more likely destined for a George Floyd-esque fate in the irredeemably evil America that Biden sketched.

Stir up some fury amongst the black folks, calculated Joe and his cynical underlings, and we can possibly create a path to victory come November. Let’s manipulate them to even greater anger and deeper self-doubt, and we’ll have a fighting chance — no matter the cost to their futures.

How fortuitous it would seem to Biden and his collaborators to see a replay of the 2020 summer riots and the destruction they wrought; they’d easily blame it all on the prospect of a Trump return to office.

After observing this shameful display of bad faith, one would be tempted to throw up one’s hands in disgust and start planning a permanent repair to some distant foreign destination. But amid the gloom and despair, there was an event which offered a possible ray of sunshine, a potential boost to one’s flagging morale.

That desperately needed tonic was Donald Trump’s May 24th rally at Katonah Park in the Bronx.

It was a sight to behold: watching the not-quite-yet-convicted Trump work his magic on the historically bluest of blue South Bronx audience. Naturally, there were a great many red MAGA hats to be seen in the huge crowd, but the heads filling them were far more varied in color and ethnic background than the media’s stale image of typical Trump rally attendees.

The entire nation — those in Trump’s corner and especially those who oppose him — got an object lesson in real diversity; no not the phony, balkanized, enclave-inducing identity politics the Democrats revel in so they may do the only thing they know how, which is distribute tax-payer financed spoils to their voracious constituent factions.

Instead, it was the heartening presence of so mixed an audience that underscored a point that I pray Mr. Trump seizes upon and repeats over and over during the course of this crucial campaign: Despite the Democrats’ efforts to divide us into countless categories of race, ethnicity, and orientation, all standing on our hind legs begging for the largesse they hand out to those groups they favor, there really are only two kinds of people in this country.

There are those who are willing to live in peace and harmony with their fellow citizens and those who are not. There are those who are willing to respect and uphold the laws of the United States, and those who choose to ignore and undermine them. Both types of people come in all colors, shades, and backgrounds.

If Donald Trump makes that sentiment a salient, unifying feature of his campaign, he is unbeatable. Despite all of the lawfare the Democrats can throw at him, he will stand as the candidate of hope and deliverance. He might not be one’s perfect image of a white knight or savior, but right now he’s the closest thing we’ve got, and we must lend him our support.

Saving this country from the utter ruin to which it’s surely headed means also exiling Joe Biden from D.C. and reuniting him with his former companion Commander. Safely ensconced in Delaware, they can both sit on the Rehoboth beach, growling and baring their teeth at the joggers and other passers-by — at a safe distance of course.

Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 2.0 <>, via Flickr, unaltered.” captext=”<a data-cke-saved-href='' href=''>Gage Skidmore</a>”  data-src=””></p>
<p><em>Image: Gage Skidmore, <a href=CC BY-SA 2.0, via Flickr, unaltered. 

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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