Jesus' Coming Back
Daily Archives

June 14, 2024

The Problem of Academic Management

Ignore stock market valuations as irrelevant. American business is in big trouble, and the cause is what I call “academic management” in government, politics, and business. No major business is run logically…

The Revolution Will Not Be What You Expect

Blind hatred of America is so yesterday. It’s shadowboxing an opponent who has exited the ring. Activists on college campuses today, whether agitating for Hamas, BLM, or Occupy Wall Street, are fighting a caricature of…

Tribalism Among the Sophisticates

“Our democracy is safe for now,” she wrote. This was a Facebook post from someone I know, who was gloating over the guilty verdict in the show trial of Donald Trump. It was followed by several gushing comments. Neither my acquaintance nor…

‘Are You Moving Out Of California?’

Several weeks ago, I flew to Texas to visit my friend Mollie, who had left California in 2022. Whenever I told someone I was going to Texas, their first question was, “Are you moving out of California?”How different from when I moved to…

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