Jesus' Coming Back

WATCH — ‘Senior Skip Day’: Teen Shot as Multiple Fights Broke Out on Long Island Beach

One person was shot, multiple people partook in a brawl, and teens twerked on a police car when more than 2,000 New York high schoolers swarmed Long Beach for “senior skip day” on Thursday, local reports said.

The massive group of high school seniors descended upon the Nassau County beach, and the meetup devolved into chaos by 6:00 p.m., the New York Post reported

“The day of fun ended with someone being shot,” an NBC News reporter said at the scene. 

Police said they were in the process of clearing the unruly teens from the beach when multiple fights broke out, leading to at least one gunshot injury in a teenage boy, according to the station.

Long Beach Police were forced to call for backup from Nassau County Police in order to disperse the crowd. 

Students told NBC that kids at several area schools organized the “senior skip day.” 

“There was a lot of people in the streets… people were getting, like, trampled over,” said Long Island teen Rowan Campbell. “It was really concerning.”

Community advocate James Hodge told NBC that “we must do all we can to work with our government, to work with our police, to work with our community leaders,” adding that gun violence is “unacceptable.”

Chaotic videos from the event before the kids were dispersed show multiple people twerking on the hood of a police car and another huge group of teens taking over a lifeguard chair on the beach. 

Two teens were in custody by Thursday night, the Post reported. 

Police recovered a gun from the crime scene. Tthe gunshot victim’s condition is currently unknown. 


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