Jesus' Coming Back
Daily Archives

June 15, 2024

The Real ‘Replacement Theory’

"Replacement theory" is the racist, anti-Semitic, repugnant, and un-American proposition that Caucasian Americans are being replaced by nonwhite people. Theodore Roosevelt's essay on Americanism made it clear more than a hundred years ago…

Hugo Black and Democrat Racism

On October 20, 1921 a Methodist minister Rev. Edwin R. Stephenson was acquitted of killing Catholic priest Rev. James E. Coyle in Birmingham, Alabama. The rather sensational trial centered upon the idea that the priest committed a heinous…

Wondering About an October Surprise

An October surprise is coming, and earlier than October. Joe Biden -- presuming he’s still the Democrats’ nominee -- needs a big game changer. His approval rating is sliding south. Early voting -- that’s legal early voting, for you blue…

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