Jesus' Coming Back

Israeli cabinet to act against PA, unilateral Palestinian statehood

The Security Cabinet is set to vote at its next meeting on a series of measures against the Palestinian Authority and countries that unilaterally recognize Palestinian statehood, according to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Office.

“The Prime Minister instructed that all of the proposals be submitted to a vote at the next Security Cabinet meeting,” the PMO stated.

It spoke out after the Security Cabinet met late Sunday night to discuss the measures, which would include “steps to strengthen settlement in Judea and Samaria.”

The security cabinet is also expected to take steps against the PA, “following its actions against Israel in international bodies.”

It had initially been expected to vote on those measures on Sunday night. The PMO said, however, that Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Attorney General Gali Baharav Miara asked for “additional time to comment on several of the proposed clauses.”

 US SECRETARY of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas at PA headquarters in Ramallah. (credit: JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS)
US SECRETARY of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas at PA headquarters in Ramallah. (credit: JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS)

The security cabinet met as the IDF-Hezbollah war in the north is heating up and efforts to secure a second hostage deal for the release of the remaining 120 hostages remain at a standstill.

But the only details released from the meeting were those relating to the Palestinians.

Recognition of a Palestinian state

Last month, Spain, Norway, Slovenia, and Ireland, unilaterally recognized Palestinian statehood.

The PMO’s announcement comes as the Biden administration has pushed for a Saudi normalization deal that would include a pathway for Palestinian statehood.

It follows already existing tension between Netanyahu and his far-right coalition partners over an IDF announcement regarding the opening of a humanitarian corridor for the passageway of goods from Israel into Gaza.

Both Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir have been among those pushing for the security cabinet to approve the measures under consideration.

Those steps are likely to increase tensions between Israel and the United States over the Gaza war and the lack of a plan by Netanyahu’s government for what happens in Gaza the day after the war.


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