Jesus' Coming Back
Daily Archives

June 24, 2024

The 2024 Election and the Economic Future of America

A so-called unwritten rule in the world of editorial writing is to avoid discussing in any detail the financial state of the country as the reader’s eyes would invariably glaze over and their interest would wane within the first few…

The Poor Legal Arguments of Jack Smith

On Friday, Judge Aileen Cannon, overseeing the Florida-based records prosecution of former president Donald Trump, heard a lawsuit regarding the legitimacy of the appointment of special prosecutor Jack Smith. On Sunday, his…

Lessons For America From 1,750 Years Ago

Sometimes history is history, sometimes it’s a harbinger, and sometimes it’s current events. The story of the Roman Emperor Aurelian is all three…Aurelian took power in 270 AD. The previous 35 years had been nothing short of a disaster for…

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