Jesus' Coming Back

IDF kill dozens of terrorists hiding in UNRWA schools, increase attacks in Shejaia

The IDF began activity in the area of Shejaia, located in northern Gaza, and killed dozens of terrorists operating who were hiding in United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) schools, the military said on Friday morning. 

The IDF began a re-invasion of Shejaia in northern Gaza on Thursday after establishing operational control there in January.

According to the IDF, intelligence indicated the presence of terrorists and terrorist infrastructure in the area, resulting in their activity both above and below ground. Troops began their activity during the day and started to conduct targeted raids overnight. 

Terrorists hidden in schools 

Armed forces found dozens of terrorists hiding in UNRWA schools and eliminated the facilities along with other Hamas terrorist infrastructures. 

The Israel Air Force also struck a terrorist that was operating in the area of  Deir al Balah.  The terrorists operated from within a humanitarian area. 

Palestinian employees of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) take part in a protest against job cuts by UNRWA, in Gaza City September 19, 2018. (credit: REUTERS/IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA)
Palestinian employees of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) take part in a protest against job cuts by UNRWA, in Gaza City September 19, 2018. (credit: REUTERS/IBRAHEEM ABU MUSTAFA)

The IDF emphasized that Hamas used the location as a shield for their activity and attempted to avoid inflicting harm on civilians. 

“Before the strike, several steps were taken to mitigate harm to uninvolved civilians, including evacuating the civilian population located around the structure from which the terrorist was operating, conducting aerial surveillance, and using precise munition and additional measures,” the IDF said. 

On Thursday, the IDF Arabic spokesman, Lt. Col. Avichay Adraee, addressed the residents of Shejaia and called them to evacuate, saying, “To all residents and civilians in the Shejaia area and the new neighborhoods, for your safety, you must evacuate immediately southwards towards Salah ad-Din Street to the humanitarian zone.”


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