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Biden told Netanyahu the night of Iran attacks: ‘You retaliate, and you’re on your own’

US President Joe Biden threatened Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to scale back his response toward Iran’s massive missile and drone attacks in April, according to a New York Times report Tuesday.

“Let me be crystal clear,” President Biden told Prime Minister Netanyahu that night from the Situation Room, where he received updates in real-time on the US-coordinated international response that successfully shot down 99% of the estimated 300 weapons launched from Iranian territory toward Israel.

“If you launch a big attack on Iran, you’re on your own.” 

Iran’s attack was a response to the assassination of several Iranian generals, including the top commander in Syria, by an airstrike in Damascus a few weeks prior, an action attributed mainly to Israel. According to the IDF, only “a small number” of Iran’s ballistic missiles reached Israel. After the attack was over and most of the missiles had been successfully neutralized, Biden reportedly told Netanyahu by phone: “You got a win. Take the win,” without, according to the report, “reading from a script or extensive notes.” 

 A man stands next to the apparent remains of a ballistic missile, as it lies in the desert near the Dead Sea, following a massive missile and drone attack by Iran on Israel, in southern Israel April 21, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)
A man stands next to the apparent remains of a ballistic missile, as it lies in the desert near the Dead Sea, following a massive missile and drone attack by Iran on Israel, in southern Israel April 21, 2024 (credit: REUTERS/Ronen Zvulun)

Concerns over Biden’s fitness for presidency

Netanyahu initially refused to heed Biden’s advice, arguing that a response was necessary to deter future attacks from Iran, but Biden only doubled down. “You do this,” Biden said, “and I’m out.” Eventually, the aides in the Situation Room said Netanyahu agreed to scale back Israel’s response. 

The conversation is being referenced now amid claims that Biden’s mental state is not sufficient for his presidential bid and that he is unfit to handle foreign counterparts. At 81, Biden is the oldest serving president in American history and drew global attention for his troubling and, at times, incoherent debate performance at the 2024 Presidential Debate against former president Donald Trump. The president was seen, at times, stumbling over his words and staring into space with his mouth slightly open, leading many to call for his immediate resignation from the presidential race.


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