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Corporate Media Vilify Judge Aileen Cannon For Doing Her Constitutional Duty; Taking Down Judge Aileen Cannon; Supreme Court Vindicates Judge Cannon’s Slower Pace in Trump’s Florida Case

Corporate Media Vilify Judge Aileen Cannon For Doing Her Constitutional Duty:

Cannon has not violated her oath to ‘administer justice.’ On the contrary, she’s the only judge using the Constitution to combat lawfare.

Anonymous sources claimed to The New York Times last week that two federal judges allegedly urged Judge Aileen Cannon in the Southern District of Florida to pass the high-profile case concerning former President Donald Trump’s classified documents to a colleague.

The article, along with several other seemingly scathing attacks by the press on the Columbian-born American for “pro-Trump rulings,” conveniently made their rounds just a few weeks after a federal appeals court rejected Democrats’ “orchestrated” attempt to get Cannon to recuse herself from the case.

According to media like the Times, Cannon is unable to fairly oversee this particular case because Trump appointed her. Never mind that Democrat-appointed judges have escaped scrutiny for years despite routinely presiding over political cases.

The idea that Trump had the foresight to know when he appointed Cannon that he would spend days of precious campaign time in her court over a manufactured classified document scandal that his political opponent managed to escape is not just ridiculous. It’s part of a concerted effort by corporate media to discredit Cannon and her commitment to supervising the Trump case with constitutional caution.

Every decision Cannon has made in the classified document case has stayed within the confines of her authority. In fact, many of the judge’s decrees have been to curb the atrocious infringement of liberty and due process committed by President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice and Special Counsel Jack Smith. —>READ MORE HERE

Taking Down Judge Aileen Cannon:

Ever notice how weaselly the smart set can be when targeting someone for public shame? On Thursday the New York Times served up a fresh example with an article headlined “Judge in Trump Documents Case Rejected Suggestions to Step Aside.”

The judge is Aileen Cannon, a Donald Trump appointee now hearing the former president’s classified-documents case in the Southern District of Florida. Ostensibly the article is about two colleagues on the federal bench who advised her to decline the case in favor of someone with more experience.

But here’s the key sentence: “As Judge Cannon’s handling of the case has come under intensifying scrutiny, her critics have suggested that she could be in over her head, in the tank for Mr. Trump—or both.”

Nowhere in the piece is anyone quoted, even anonymously, that she is in the tank for Mr. Trump.

Mr. Trump may be crude but at least when he goes after a judge there’s no hiding behind anonymity. During his trial in New York, he appeared on camera each day denouncing Judge Juan Merchan variously as “corrupt,” “highly conflicted” and “the worst judge in history.”

The vilification of Judge Cannon is polite society’s version. It’s similar to the statement by 51 former intelligence operatives two weeks before the 2020 election that Hunter Biden’s laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” Their statement was sprinkled with caveats that didn’t matter because its only job was to give Joe Biden something to get him through the last crucial days of the election.

The Times piece is littered with allusions to Judge Cannon’s alleged unfitness: her “scant trial experience,” the “unusual favor” she’s shown Mr. Trump, the “increasing criticism of how she has gone on to handle the case,” her “hostility to prosectors,” and the way one of her rulings was “shocking legal experts along ideological lines.” You’d hardly know that the judge has also ruled against Mr. Trump, notably in his bid to have the case dismissed. —>READ MORE HERE (or HERE)

Follow links below to a relevant story:

Supreme Court vindicates Judge Cannon’s slower pace in Trump’s Florida case

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