Jesus' Coming Back

The Late-Term Abortion of Joe Biden

Abortion advocates often forget that when one life loses value, all life loses value, including their own.  A nightmare scenario for any abortion enthusiast would be to one day find himself victims of the murderous ideology he supported.

That may well be happening to the presiding presidential champion of “reproductive” rights, Joe Biden — not an actual abortion per se, but an abortion of sorts, because, late in the 2024 election season, a bloody termination may take place.

Whether Joe realizes it or not, he could be in the process of being sacked by the very Democrats who pretended he was their golden boy when he was pushed to the fore in 2020.  At first, Biden was embraced by his party with great joy.  Four years later, the plan was probably to keep the reincarnation of Mad King George III hidden in his bedroom for another term.  Now, after Biden’s weaknesses were exposed at the June 7 debate, his handlers find themselves scrambling to revise the bedroom plan, and a late-term political abortion looks attractive.

For four years, Biden has been allowed to devolve.  Sadly, with each faux pas, the first trimester of Joe Biden’s White House gestation has become increasingly high-risk.  As the months click by, it’s becoming harder to steer ol’ Joe off stage, impossible to interpret his psychobabble.  It’s a rigorous job for pancake makeup to erase the pallor of death from his ashen face or to stop him from losing consciousness in the presence of world leaders.  Biden can’t even decipher what’s being said through a Peter Popoff earpiece or ascend up or down the stairs of Air Force One without tripping.

Abortion is defined as the “deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks.”  “Abort” is defined as “bring to a premature end because of a problem or fault.”  Right about now, if this were an actual pregnancy, Joe would be easing into the third trimester.  It’s late in the game, which is why Backdoor “Born Alive” Barack and friends are furiously conniving a scenario on par with a visit to late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell.  Think of it this way: leftists are like a college coed who justifies sacrificing her child’s life on the altar of well deserved career goals — only this time, Joe Biden is the sacrifice.

There is a problem, however.  Aborting Biden at this late date is bound to be a messy scene.  With Joe’s determination to survive, he’ll probably refuse to die and be born alive, which will require the left to take drastic measures.  Leftist operatives on all fronts will be forced to deny the dignity and adulation that demagogues like Joe subsist on.  Like how a born-alive child is cast aside and left to die without warmth, oxygen, and hydration, if the Democrats at the top get what they seem to want, the current president’s life force, which is power, will be abruptly denied.

Back in 2020, it was much easier for leftist puppet masters to convince the American public that the guy who had two brain aneurysms in 1988, and who called running mate Obama “Barack America” in 2008, was cognitively astute in 2020.  So formidable a candidate was Joe Biden portrayed to be that with nary a bead of sweat, on November 6, 2019, in the dead of night, the guy who spent nine months in the basement managed to pull ahead of Donald Trump’s impressive lead in most swing states.  The talking points were that Joe Robinette Biden was so on point that he was able to break all election records and become the first president-elect who, despite minimal campaigning, managed to rack up 81,000,000 votes.  Voters who said “no!” to Barack in 2016 did an about-face in 2020 and registered a resounding “yes” to what they had rejected just four years prior.  After that historic win, the behind-the-scenes managers breathed a sigh of relief while gullible partisans danced around like a pod of giddy porpoises.

What better scenario for the Democratic Marxist regime than to have Joe as a frontman for Barack’s third term?  Place befuddled Joe behind a podium while, in the background, Obama works on vindicating the repudiation he received when the socialist transformation of America came to a screeching halt in 2016.  Based on the tenor of Biden’s policies, it’s clear that Barack has been concocting a scheme to place and then maintain a titular head while he busily resurrects his “fundamental transformation.”

As a result of that 2020 effort, poor Joe has been floating around in the womb of the White House for four long, agonizing years.  Now, five months before the next presidential election, the latest political sonogram has revealed, for all the world to see, that “The Big Guy” is in deep trouble.  And we all know what the commanders of the pink p-hat brigade do if a fetal sonogram shows even the slightest abnormality: immediately, they choose to abort.

Even a smooth operator like Obama whispering instructions in Joe’s ear hasn’t been enough to keep the ruse going.  What’s happening probably wasn’t part of Barack’s original plan.  But here’s the problem: Jill (also known as Baby Jane Biden), the liars in the White House, the Dems in Congress, and the wet nurses in the media pumped up Joe with the enthusiasm of first-time parents at a gender reveal.  The left blew blue powder into the air in favor of “Let’s Go Joe,” who they secretly knew had little chance of surviving another four-year stint.  Now those same enablers are pretending they had zero idea the guy with the blank stare and the shuffling gait was circling the slop sink.

The left now find themselves at an impasse.  Even marked increases in mail-in ballots, ACORN-style assistance at the polls, deceased victims of COVID registering posthumous support, illegal voting, media propaganda, and star-infused re-election fund raisers are not enough to ensure that the strategy that flew in 2020 can fly again in 2024.

Somewhere along the line, Democrats must have huddled and realized they needed an excuse to put a plausible face on their election year plan.  That’s why, at this late date, Biden is clearly in the way of the Marxist regime’s plan to put 2020 on rinse and repeat.  Hence, it is plausible to assume that the elderly mouthpiece was prepped for an upcoming procedure by being allowed to participate in the mortifying June 27 presidential debate.  Mission accomplished.  Biden’s condition is now public, which ensures that the easily duped won’t question whether or not whomever the left chooses to replace Biden can legitimately accomplish the goal of making November 5 look like a Democrat landslide.

And so, in the coming days, Joe Biden will likely be dragged kicking and screaming as the Democrat party inflicts a political late-term abortion on the staunch advocate for the right to choose.

Jeannie hosts a blog at

<p><i>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a href="">Flickr</a>, <a href="">CC BY-SA 2.0</a>.</i></p>
<p>” captext=”<a href=''>Gage Skidmore</a>”  data-src=””></em></strong></p>
<p><i>Image: Gage Skidmore via <a href=Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0.

American Thinker

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