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Another poll confirms: Naftali Bennett would lead right-wing to election victory

A right-wing party led by Naftali Bennett, former Mossad chief Yossi Cohen, Avigdor Liberman and Gideon Sa’ar would receive 32 mandates, if elections were held today, a survey conducted by Channel 13 revealed on Sunday.

According to the poll, the state camp led by Benny Gantz would garner 25 mandates, while the Likud led by Benjamin Netanyahu would yield 21 mandates. Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid would receive 13 mandates.

The Democrats – the union between Labor and Meretz led by Yair Golan will receive 9 mandates according to the survey.

In addition, according to the poll, Sa’ar’s party would not pass the electoral threshold if it would contend on its own. 

According to the survey, a bloc of Netanyahu’s opponents would receive 63 mandates, without the Hadash-Ta’al votes. 

 Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talks about the strikes and protests against the judicial reform (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talks about the strikes and protests against the judicial reform (credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST)

The Netanyahu supporters bloc would be allocated 53 mandates. A union between National Unity and Yesh Atid would not add mandates to any of the parties, which together would receive 21 seats, assuming that a right-wing party led by Bennett would indeed be running. However, in such a case, the Likud would drop to 18 seats only.

The poll also attempted to determine the measure of public support for the hostage deal. According to the results, the proposed transaction is supported by a majority of 58% of the public. 23% of the respondents opposed the deal in the existing outline, while 19% answered that they did not know.

Distribution of mandates according to the Channel 13 poll

National Unity – 25

Likud – 21

Yesh Atid – 13

Yisrael Beytenu – 12

Otzma Yehudit – 10

Shas – 10

The Democrats – 9

United Torah Judaism (UTJ) – 8

Religious Zionist Party (RZP) – 4

Hadash-Ta’al – 4

Ra’am – 4

Balad – 0

United Right  – 0

Maariv survey illustrates similar results 

A Maariv poll conducted last week showed similar results, allocating 29 seats to a right-wing party led by Liberman, Bennett, Cohen, Sa’ar and Ayelet Shaked. 

The party would position itself at the head of the political map, with the Likud following suit with 19 mandates. 

The National Unity party would receive, according to the survey, 16 seats, dropping by seven mandates if such a right-wing party would indeed run. 

The poll also showed that in such a scenario the opposition bloc without the Arab parties would receive 66 mandates, allowing it to form a coalition. 


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