Jesus' Coming Back

Trump Strengthened Our Economy by Restoring American Leadership Abroad

As we approach the pivotal election of November, the choice before us is stark and significant. The contrast between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is not merely a matter of personality or political party; it is a choice between restoring American leadership and continuing a downward trajectory that has defined the past four years under the Biden administration. 

As a political and economic analyst with a moderately populist perspective, I firmly believe that Trump deserves the backing of both the working man and the businessman alike. His proven track record in foreign policy and defense economics offers a compelling vision for a stronger America on the global stage.

Under Trump’s leadership, America reclaimed its rightful place as a global leader, demonstrating that strength and negotiation can go hand in hand. His administration not only secured a historic $400 billion increase in defense spending from NATO allies but also more than doubled the number of member countries meeting their minimum obligations. This achievement was recognized by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, who credited Trump with significantly strengthening the alliance.

This commitment to collective defense ensures that American resources are not unduly burdened while fostering a robust environment for international stability. For businesses, this translates into a more secure and predictable global landscape, encouraging investment and trade.

By prioritizing national interests and advocating for fair contributions from allies, Trump demonstrated that a strong defense policy is intrinsically linked to economic prosperity. When countries share the financial responsibility for mutual defense, it alleviates the fiscal strain on American taxpayers, allowing for more investment in domestic initiatives and job creation.

The strategic withdrawal from the one-sided Iran Nuclear Deal exemplifies Trump’s commitment to peace through strength. By imposing crippling sanctions on the Iranian regime, he effectively curtailed their oil exports to zero, striking at the heart of their revenue generation. This decisive action not only bolstered American security but also reinforced the global economic framework by deterring other rogue states from pursuing aggressive policies.

Furthermore, Trump’s approach to North Korea, which included historic diplomatic engagements and maximum pressure campaigns, laid the groundwork for a more stable East Asian region. This stability has profound economic implications, as it promotes safe investment environments and ensures that American businesses can operate without fear of geopolitical upheaval. The peace achieved through tough negotiations directly supports economic growth at home.

In addition to reinforcing NATO, Trump’s administration prioritized advancing peace and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region. By fostering investments and expanding American partnerships with nations like Japan and South Korea, he created a more interconnected and prosperous economic landscape. This strategy not only enhances regional stability but also opens up new markets for American businesses, ensuring long-term economic growth.

The importance of burden-sharing among allies cannot be overstated. By encouraging countries to commit to their defense responsibilities, Trump strengthened the economic foundations of alliances that support American global leadership. A united front not only amplifies military effectiveness but also solidifies economic ties, leading to mutually beneficial partnerships.

Trump’s efforts to reform and streamline the United Nations, resulting in a $1.3 billion reduction in spending, highlight his commitment to economic accountability on the world stage. By demanding efficiency and transparency from international institutions, he underscored the need for responsible stewardship of taxpayer dollars. This approach is crucial for a thriving economy, as it directs resources toward more pressing domestic needs rather than ineffective bureaucracies.

Moreover, his announcement that the United States would never ratify the UN Arms Trade Treaty was a strong assertion of Second Amendment rights, reflecting a dedication to American sovereignty. This stance protects not only individual liberties but also upholds the economic interests of American businesses in the defense sector.

Trump’s administration was marked by a series of bold negotiations that advanced American interests and reinforced national security. His groundbreaking meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was historic, positioning the United States as a diplomatic leader while opening channels for dialogue. This unprecedented approach fostered a climate where American hostages were released, and negotiations for denuclearization took center stage.

In the Balkans, Trump brokered economic normalization between Serbia and Kosovo, demonstrating that peace can have tangible economic benefits. By stabilizing a historically volatile region, he not only enhanced security but also created opportunities for American investment and economic engagement.

Trump’s leadership extended to holding authoritarian regimes accountable. His decisive actions, such as signing the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, sent a strong message to China regarding its infringements on autonomy. By standing firm against oppressive regimes, he not only protected American values but also ensured a level playing field for American businesses competing in the global market.

Additionally, Trump’s leadership in rallying allied efforts to defeat the Chinese Communist Party’s influence over international telecommunications systems is a testament to his strategic foresight. In an era where technology and communications shape economies, ensuring American interests are protected is paramount.

The investment in defense during Trump’s presidency was not merely a matter of military readiness; it was an economic imperative. A robust military presence ensures not only national security but also fosters an environment conducive to business growth. Companies thrive in stable environments, and a strong military presence acts as a deterrent to potential aggressors, allowing American businesses to flourish both domestically and abroad.

Moreover, the focus on advancing military capabilities translates into technological advancements that benefit civilian industries. The defense sector often leads innovation that spills over into the broader economy, enhancing productivity and job creation.

As we look towards November, the need for strong leadership is clearer than ever. Donald Trump has demonstrated that he is the candidate capable of restoring American leadership abroad while ensuring that our allies contribute their fair share. His policies have proven that a Republican administration can effectively advance peace through strength, securing both our national interests and economic prosperity.

In stark contrast, Joe Biden’s administration has been marked by indecisiveness and economic missteps that have left America vulnerable on the global stage. The choice is not just about political allegiance; it is about the future of our nation, our economy, and our standing in the world. As working Americans and business leaders alike consider their votes, the answer is clear: Donald Trump deserves our unwavering support to continue the mission of restoring American greatness.

In November, let us unite behind a leader who has shown time and again that he is committed to securing a prosperous future for all Americans—Donald Trump. Together, we can restore American leadership, uphold our values, and build a stronger economy for generations to come.

Joseph Ford Cotto, 1st Baron Cotto, GCCCR (DBA) is the author of What Happened to America?: How—and Why—the American Dream Became a Nightmare. He hosts News Sight, an online program with a sharp focus on the current events that impact your life. During 2014, HLM King Kigeli V of Rwanda bestowed a hereditary knighthood upon him. It was followed by a barony the next year. Cotto holds a doctorate in business administration.

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