Jesus' Coming Back

Dethroning Biden

Joe Biden’s cognitive decline has been obvious since he launched his presidential ‘run’ in 2019. Even a fellow Democrat challenger taunted him over this during a 2020 primary debate.

But the DNC establishment thought Biden would appear to be an avuncular centrist figure that would appeal to the general public. Hence despite Biden’s abysmal beginning in the primaries, his rivals were encouraged to drop out. Biden became the nominee with 2739 delegates.

This has been a tradition for Democrats. During the 2015 Democrat Primaries, Bernie Sanders, who had more ground support and voter passion, was sidelined in favor of the DNC establishment’s choice Hillary Clinton.

Once he was ‘elected’, the cognitively impaired Biden was used as a rubber stamp to push their agenda. 

During his ‘Presidency,’ Biden’s decline was mocked by comedians in Saudi Arabia. However, ‘comedians’ in New York engaged in PR for Biden.

The DNC PR agencies that masquerade as the news media followed the diktats. Biden’s myriad dementia-driven gaffes were dismissed. 

Those stating the obvious that Biden is usually non compos mentis were branded as ageists, even though the objection wasn’t related to Biden’s age, but rather his mental state.

Democrat social media trolls engaged in blatant fabrication, even comparing Biden to Harrison Ford, since both men were born in the same year. 

The results of the Biden administration’s misgovernance are open borders, out-of-control inflation, rampant crime, targeting of dissenting citizens, identity politics giving preference over merit, and spending on gratuitous foreign wars and items such as the Green New Deal.

Then it was time for Biden’s ‘reelection.’

The Democrats could have tactfully abandoned Biden. They just needed to conduct a fair primary and mandate all candidates to participate in the debates. Biden would have been exposed during the debates and would have forced Biden to quit or would have suffered a routing. 

All of this could be done without mentioning Biden’s decline. They could have said ‘We owe it to the American people to have a fair primary where all are allowed to participate.’

But instead, the Democrats rigged the primaries by preventing any other viable challengers from participating. Those who entered the primaries were suppressed and vilified.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. intended to run against Biden for the Democrat nomination and even challenged Biden to a debate, but the offer fell on deaf ears. The media branded him as a dangerous conspiracy theorist. The DNC establishment sidelined him and he was compelled to run as an independent candidate. Host of the ‘Young Turks’ podcast Cenk Uygur, who participated in the primary, revealed how the DNC establishment blocked his candidacy.

The result is that Biden has 3,949 delegates and 87.09% of the votes.

But something happened between then and now that caused the DNC to change their minds.

15 million regular Democrat voters elected Biden as their nominee. But suddenly the party elites have decided that they want someone else and are now ordering Biden to stand down. There is no concern for the voters.

This is exactly what the ‘elites’ did to Donald Trump during his Presidency.

When he won the election in 2016, a gang of former celebrities appeared on video urging delegates not to vote for Trump despite his getting the votes. When that failed, the Democrats concocted a series of hoaxes such as the Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy not only to malign Trump but to end his Presidency. There was no regard for the voter’s choice.

In the Democrat party, when there’s a contest between the choice of the millions of regular voters and that of a few hundred party ‘elites,’ the ‘elites’ win by a landslide. The GOP would have been no different, but President Trump and the MAGA movement did give power back to the people.

The Democrats are a party, of, by, and for sanctimonious, arrogant, entitled, and hypocritical ‘elites’ who are so deluded of their superiority that they see themselves as defenders of democracy while they participate in its destruction. Ironically, they call themselves Democrats.

If Biden decides not to seek re-election, he must resign from the presidency. If he isn’t fit to run for President, he’s also not mentally fit to function as President. The House GOP must initiate articles of impeachment if Biden quits the race but continues as President. 

If Biden is out, incoherent ramblings will be replaced by word salads and ill-timed giggles.

There is some pleasure to be derived from watching Democrats do to their own what they did to Trump and his supporters. But this schadenfreude is temporary for nationalists. Unlike the Left, who relish the destruction of their nation, the nationalists aspire to see their country prosper and have the highest standards in the world. The nationalists will be pained to see the degradation.

The Democrats are once again making a mockery of what should be sacrosanct.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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