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Fauci and the Medical Experts Gave Biden a Memory Pass; Dr. Fauci Ducks On Weighing In On Biden’s Health But Makes Surprising Admission About What Medication the President is Likely Taking

Fauci and the Medical Experts Gave Biden a Memory Pass:

They ignored the president’s obvious cognitive troubles and then attacked anyone who pointed them out.

Asked last week by CBS News’s Major Garrett whether President Biden had the “vigor and mental capability” to continue serving, Anthony Fauci equivocated: “In my interactions with him, I have no doubt.” Did the former National Institutes of Health leader find anything medically alarming about the president’s debate performance? “I think it would be inappropriate to say that, Major, because when you’re just looking at someone on a one-shot basis, you just don’t know what could happen.”

Still, Dr. Fauci couldn’t help but wonder: “Did he have a bad cold, you know? Did he take an antihistamine to make him, you know, groggy, or what have you?” He declined to answer his own questions because it would be “unfair and inappropriate to try and diagnose something from just a 90-minute clip.” The president’s debate stumbles looked to him “like a bad night.”

Never mind that the 90-minute debate wasn’t a “clip,” or that the president’s confusion wasn’t a “one-shot” incident. But who you gonna believe, Dr. Fauci or your lying eyes and ears?

Dr. Fauci’s feeble attempt to explain away the president’s mental fog is another illustration of why Americans don’t trust the supposed experts. They dissemble when it suits their political purposes and frequently disparage anyone who dares challenge their deceptions. They have done so with Mr. Biden’s cognitive troubles, as they did with Covid lockdowns, school shutdowns, mask mandates and the virus lab-leak theory. The list goes on.

Mr. Biden’s increasing slips over the years have been apparent to anyone paying attention. Yet when conservatives have pointed them out, medical experts, marshaled by the liberal media, have played them down.

Before the first Trump-Biden 2020 debate, Fox News commentator Brit Hume noted that the Democratic nominee, then 77, appeared to be losing it mentally. “I don’t think there’s any doubt Biden’s senile, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to show up tonight,” he said. “Elderly people experiencing memory loss and other problems associated with age can go for periods, for hours at a time and be just fine.”

Mr. Hume was right. Mr. Biden managed to remain cool and coherent during the 2020 debate, even as Mr. Trump huffed and puffed. PolitiFact later published a “fact check” of Mr. Hume’s remark, citing “experts in the health care of older people.” One called his characterization of Mr. Biden “a shameful display of ageism and ignorance.” —>READ MORE HERE (or HERE)

Dr. Fauci ducks on weighing in on Biden’s health but makes surprising admission about what medication the president is likely taking:

Anthony Fauci has dodged questions about Joe Biden’s health after the president’s concerning debate performance was blamed on him suffering from a cold.

America’s former chief medical advisor was asked by CBS host Major Garrett on Tuesday if he saw anything in the debate that would ‘medically alarm him.

However, the divisive medic who advised America’s response to the Covid pandemic said: ‘You know, I can’t say.’

‘I think it would be inappropriate to say that, Major, because when you’re just looking at someone on a one-shot basis, you just don’t know what could happen,’ Fauci said.

The doctor did suggest, however, that antihistamines used to treat cold and flu could have contributed to Biden’s sleepy showing.

‘Did he have a bad cold? Did he take an antihistamine to make him groggy or what have you? We don’t know what went on,’ Fauci continued.

On Wednesday, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, spend the best part of an hour being grilled on the President’s health.

She confirmed that while the 81-year-old still has a cold, he hasn’t seen a doctor.

Jean-Pierre claimed ‘jet lag’ from his two back-to-back international trips 12 days before the debate contributed to the president’s poor showing.

She also confirmed Biden hasn’t had a medical examination since February.

Antihistamines, such as Benadryl and Claritin, are popular in the US.

Some are known to cause users to become sleepy, which Fauci seemed to be suggesting may have happened with Biden on stage during his debate performance. —>READ MORE HERE

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