Jesus' Coming Back

Ramming attack in Nir Zvi junction, several wounded

A ramming attack occurred at the Nir Zvi junction in the Ramle area, the police said on Sunday. 

The police noted that the terrorist had been thwarted by border police officers in reserves. 

Four wounded

Four people were wounded in the attack, the police stated, adding that one individual was in critical condition, two individuals were in serious condition, and an additional individual sustained light wounds. 

 First response representatives of Magen David Adom (MDA) and Israel Police at the scene of an attempted ramming terror attack at Nir Tzvi Junction. July 14, 2024. (credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)
First response representatives of Magen David Adom (MDA) and Israel Police at the scene of an attempted ramming terror attack at Nir Tzvi Junction. July 14, 2024. (credit: MAGEN DAVID ADOM)

Earlier, Magen David Adom (MDA) said its paramedics provided medical care and transferred to the Shamir Medical Center three individuals who had been wounded.

According to MDA, two individuals in their 20s were in serious condition, while an additional was lightly wounded.

MDA paramedics Michelle Rashkovski and Shneor Tsik recounted what they saw upon arrival at the scene. “We saw a vehicle that had hit pedestrians stopped at a bus stop. We immediately called additional forces to the scene. Near the bus stop, two men about 20 years old were lying, one of them conscious and the other unconscious, and both suffering from multiple life-threatening wounds. We immediately provided them life-saving medical treatment.”

United Hatzalah paramedic Aryeh Mendelson said, “According to passers-by, the vehicle hit two pedestrians and collided with a bus stop.”

“With the help of other EMTs, we provided initial treatment at the scene,” he added. 

Border police commander, IDF Maj.-Gen. Itzhak Brik arrived at the scene of the attack, where he received an overview from the reserve soldiers and praised their work, the police spokesperson stated on Sunday. 

“Professional work, truly worthy of praise. This neutralization was very important. We are in a very challenging time with quite a few alerts.”

“You did a professional and serious job; you have full backing for this activity. Congratulations to you. You have proven time and time again that the reserve system of the police and border guards is serious and high-quality, which strengthens the police,” Brik said. 

This is a developing story. 


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