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24 Former House Democrats Call for an Open Convention as Biden’s Path to 270 All but Vanishes; 24 Former Dem Lawmakers to Biden: Allow An Open Convention

24 Former House Democrats Call for an Open Convention as Biden’s Path to 270 All but Vanishes:

Will anyone in Joe Biden’s circle of friends, aides, and family be able to break through the president’s denialism and force him to face the facts?

The momentum for Biden to withdraw is certainly building, but the president himself appears to still be in his staff’s protective cocoon. If he really knew how bad it was, he might be thinking of an exit strategy at this point.

A group of two dozen former Democratic congressmen have signed a letter urging Biden to open the August national convention to choose another candidate.

“President Biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. His decision to do so would mean an open convention in August,” they wrote.

The lawmakers point out that the party is at risk of not only losing the presidency but also of slaughter in down-ballot races.

“This leads us to a regretful conclusion. President Biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. His decision to do so would mean an open convention in August. We ask him to make that decision” the letter, which POLITICO obtained, reads.

It should be noted that the recent public polls still show a close race between Biden and Donald Trump. Biden remains competitive in all the battleground states with the possible exception of Pennsylvania, where Trump is up 5-7 points in recent polls.

But internal polling by individual candidates and the party tells a much different story. Biden has become a big drag on down-ballot races, making the possibility of a full-blown Democratic disaster in November an emerging reality.

It’s not so much by how much Biden is losing. It’s where he’s losing and the reality that his most loyal constituencies are abandoning him.

“I’ve never seen such a grim Electoral College landscape for Mr. Biden,” writes former Bill Clinton advisor and Democratic campaign guru Doug Sosnik in the New York Times. —>READ MORE HERE (or HERE)

24 former Dem lawmakers to Biden: Allow an open convention:

“President Biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. His decision to do so would mean an open convention in August,” they wrote.

A group of two dozen former House Democrats has sent a letter to President Joe Biden calling for him to step aside to prevent a GOP takeover of Washington. Instead, they want him to allow for an “open convention” this summer to decide the 2024 ticket.

In their letter, the 24 Democrats — which include former House members and one former senator — make clear that they do not doubt Biden’s “extraordinary record.” But they warn that if the president stays on the ballot, it would mean the party not only loses the White House, but would decimate their ranks in Congress.

“This leads us to a regretful conclusion. President Biden would best serve the nation he loves by releasing the convention delegates who are pledged to nominate him for a second term. His decision to do so would mean an open convention in August. We ask him to make that decision.” according to the letter, which was obtained by POLITICO.

The letter includes several members who served for over two decades each, including Reps. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), Jim Moran (D-Va.), Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), Phil Sharp (D-Ind.) and John LaFalce (D-N.Y.). One is also a former senator, Sen. Tim Wirth of Colorado. —>READ MORE HERE

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