Jesus' Coming Back

Who Can Donald Trump Count On?

Donald Trump way very well be the next president of the United States. But when the going inevitably gets tough, who can a future President Trump look to for support?

The GOP? (pause here for laughter to subside.)

The GOPES stood by as the rest of the Deep State ran coups against Donald Trump before, during, and after his first term in office. They tut-tutted, harrumphed, and penned strongly worded letters, while their party’s leader was soundly and roundly abused.

Their “impeachment investigation” of Joe Biden is the worst joke on the planet. (Apart from expecting women who shop in the Petite Section to be human shields for presidential candidates.)

Legislatively, they gave Obama and Biden practically everything they asked for while denying Trump his border wall and breaking campaign promises to overturn the ACA, aka Obamacare.

At present, a chinless turtle and a Chris Hayes lookalike front the GOP Senate and House respectively, an apt visual reminder of their utter spinelessness and willingness to capitulate. Barring massive turnover in the ranks of the RINOs, Trump should not count on the GOP having his back.

As almost every American is now well aware, Trump certainly can’t count on the Secret Service to have his back. Barring a sudden head turn, Donald Trump would be dead.

The SS failed as badly as they can, only bad aim saved “the package.” It doesn’t really matter if the Secret Service was wildly incompetent or possibly compromised and part of a plot. Either way, Trump can’t count on them and would be wise to hire his own security detail.

But, don’t worry, all you government lovers out there, the troubling incident will be thoroughly investigated and reported on by Funny Business, Inc.

Yes, the fine folks who tried to sink Trump with the Russia Collusion Scam, The Mueller Report, and the FBI-manufactured Half-Whitmer kidnapping plot will look very carefully into the hard-to-figure-out forces of evil who almost killed Trump.

And then, that very same FBI who couldn’t tell Congress just how many FBI agents, personnel, or confidential informants were in the January 6th crowd, and who raided and ransacked President Trump’s home over a records dispute with permission to use deadly force, that same agency will enlighten us as to exactly what happened in Butler, PA.

Or, more likely, parrot the narrative that their Deep State masters wish to push upon a naïve American public.

No, by now, Trump certainly sees the FBI as a rogue federal agency determined to take him down; nor should he ever trust the CIA.

Defense Visual Information Distribution Service

American Thinker

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