Jesus' Coming Back

Islamic Terrorists Capture Jewish Man, Take His Clothes Off, Spit On Him And Laugh As They Rape Him

More horrific details are coming out about what happened on October 7th. One story has come out that further sheds light on the evil that occurred. One man was captured, spat on, denuded and laughed at as he was being raped by Hamas terrorists, as we read in Haaretz:

A survivor of the Nova music festival massacre on October 7 has given an anonymous account of being raped, which Israel’s Channel 12 News reported on Tuesday.

“It was a very difficult moment, weakness all over the body, as if your blood is fair game. They were ecstatic, celebrating, kind of laughing with their guns, with their knives,” D. recalled. “You are sort of detached from the situation, but you experience it very intensely. It’s extremely difficult.”

“They were Nukhba terrorists, actually pinning you to the ground,” he recounted. “You try to resist. They take off your clothes, laugh at you, humiliate you, spit at you. They touched private parts, rape you.”

“There’s this circle, and it’s like they’re laughing. You don’t know what to do at that moment – whether to resist or simply to let it pass, or how to deal with the situation. It was a very difficult rape. I think that at some stage more people arrived, and they called them, and because of that they were forced to stop the whole thing.”
Channel 12 reported that D.’s testimony was submitted to the police unit investigating sex crimes by Hamas terrorists on October 7.

“It’s not simple. I was very closed off at first,” D. said about how he has coped since then. “There’s this obsessive urge to get cleaned, lots of showers, to get this energy and all that happened off of me. You’re having a conversation with people and suddenly everything resurfaces.”


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