Jesus' Coming Back

It’s Far from Over

The second candidacy of Ronald Reagan was the last time things have gone so well for a Republican campaign.  We are in a time of a turning tide, a time where the Stalinist left is being exposed, where leftists are in disarray, and where American ideals long buried are being resurrected.  Trump’s miraculous skirting of death has opened the eyes of many people to the evils we face.  Breitbart’s saying that politics is downstream from culture is finally reassuring for those not on the left.  Our nation is waking up from its slumber.

I need to add that warning bells and sirens should be going off.  Because danger is terrifyingly near.

So…how can things be going so well and be on a precipice at the same time?

Simple.  It ain’t over ’til it’s over.  That’s the wisdom of the great Yogi Berra.  Another sports saying is that a two-goal lead in hockey is the worst kind of lead.  I have experienced these sayings as true, not just in sports, but in most other aspects of life.  Being ahead can bring complacency.  Being behind can also be a motivator.  When complacency and motivation go in opposing directions, trouble is being invited in the door.

With all this positive news, our greatest mistake would be to think this race is done.  I’ve heard too many people saying that.  Well, it ain’t over; it’s far from over.  This fight is just beginning.  Yes, we have momentum.  Yes, things are going well.  Yes, we are on track to win a victory in November.  But it’s not done.  If we don’t continue to fight as though we are behind, if we don’t scratch and claw until the election and beyond, they will figure out how to win in the end.

This is because they still control the commanding heights.  Additionally, those in power now are ruthless, corrupt, and terribly inhuman; they control the media, the tech companies, and most of the levers of control in our current government.  They live for power, and will do and say anything to keep it.

Hyperbole?  Nope.  The left has lived up to that statement many times.

  • The demonstrable hoax of Biden’s presidency, that he wasn’t impaired even as he ran in 2020, that he was extremely fit just a few weeks ago.  A mind-boggling lie.
  • The opening of the border, expanding human-trafficking, the child sex trade, the flood of illegal and lethal drugs, the empowering of the drug cartels.  A criminal and terrorist element let in, while replacing the American voter.  All part of a major attempt to sow chaos.
  • The weaponizing they have accomplished in the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, and the bureaucracies.
  • Their slouching toward World War III with their endless wars, needlessly killing and sowing fear to hold power.
  • Their support of Iran: allowing it access to money, access to trade, access to selling its oil, access to the capability of becoming a nuclear power.  Allowing Iran to shovel money to terrorists worldwide and destabilize the world.  Despicably transparent, and intended to weaken the U.S. position across the globe to sow fear and division.
  • Their reckless virtue-signaling with the Green New Deal while crippling our energy infrastructure.  High energy costs that stoke inflation and destroy the ability of citizens to better themselves economically.  Energy mandates that will make our country become the mess that California already is.  As our need for energy grows, the ability for us to use it inexpensively is diminished.  Sowing fear in their base about disaster, while weakening our economy and providing slush money for their causes and donors.
  • Spreading the lie of gender fluidity.  Forcing disgusting gender nonsense down the throats of our children at inappropriate ages.  Deliberately confusing and depressing the younger generation while pretending they care.
  • Destroying our military on the same altar.  Making otherwise sane adults believe these lies of the Democrat/media complex.  Deliberately weakening us against real enemies at the same time they sow confusion.

These are but a few of the horrid things they have done, and are doing, to hold power.

These liars are now in a full court press to push Kamala Harris as the goddess of smart — a capable woman “of color” who will save us all.  The media toadies are shoveling this manure on top of us, claiming it as manna from heaven.  It’s likely they will do that up until the convention, hoping they can convince Democrat voters that she is this incredible, accomplished person who can beat Trump.

It’s clear they tested Joe to hold up for an hour-and-a-half debate to prove he was not in decline.  He failed miserably.  Likewise, Kamala has until the Democrat convention in Chicago to play the role of noble, great, divinely inspired candidate for the left.  The media and tech machine is going nonstop, against reality (lying), in its effort to show the nation how wonderful she will be.

It is likely that that effort will fail.  Kamala is none of what they are trying to say.  She might be dropped as Joe was.  Those that run this show are a desperate cabal, desperate to hold on to their power, desperate to do anything but allow another revitalized MAGA presidency.  So be prepared: it’s going to be a scary road, filled with twists and turns until the election, and then all the way up to the inauguration and beyond.

There are lots of true stories of the strength and rage of cornered animals and the havoc they wreak on those trying to corral them.  This is the situation we face.  How those of us here react to this reality will determine our future.

Expect the unexpected.  They have been exposed and cornered.  Be confident but wary.  Have faith, be hopeful, but use discernment.  Be outraged, but be clear and truthful in your response.

There will be major lying (gaslighting) for the Democrat candidate.  Be capable of seeing the lies, explaining them, and countering them.  Be calm; be measured.

There will be bullying and violence from the left if it’s clear Trump will win.  Be prepared.  Be smart.  Be unafraid.

There will be many “October surprises,” starting now, designed to fracture and divide.  Be mentally and physically prepared.  These will come from the cornered animals who have everything to lose: money, prestige, and what they value the most: power.  Hope for the best.  Be psychologically ready for the worst.

Most important of all, donate now.  Vote as soon as you can, making sure it gets to the proper authorities.  Engage in discussion if you get the opportunity.  Work to get the vote out.  Ballot-harvest.  Volunteer as a poll watcher.  Contact your local GOP to help in any way you can.  Do the work now; do not think it’s over.  It ain’t over.  Not in any way.  Don’t ease up until mid-November.

These are the things that can be done.  We need to win with a tidal wave, with down-ballot majorities everywhere possible.  We should redouble our efforts.

The dark, dystopian future of these leftists awaits if we don’t.

<p><em>Image: cagdesign via <a data-cke-saved-href=

Image: cagdesign via Pixabay, Pixabay License.

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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