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Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Welcomes Nearly 1.2 Million Migrants to US; Media Peddles False Biden Claim Lauding Border ‘Deportations’

Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Welcomes Nearly 1.2 Million Migrants to U.S.:

President Joe Biden’s parole pipeline has welcomed almost 1.2 million foreign nationals to the United States since its inception in January 2023. For perspective, the number of foreign nationals who have entered the U.S. through the parole pipeline, thus far, is approaching the size of Dallas, Texas.

On Monday, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas released figures for June, showing Biden’s parole pipeline is continuing to release tens of thousands of foreign nationals into the U.S. interior via the southern border and commercial flights every month.

From January 2023 through June 2024, almost 1.2 million foreign nationals have been released into American communities through the parole pipeline, which utilizes the administration’s “CBP One” mobile app and “humanitarian parole.”

The CBP One app, whereby those in northern Mexico schedule appointments at the border for release into the U.S. interior, has welcomed more than 680,500 foreign nationals to the country. Those arriving via CBP One are primarily from Venezuela, Cuba, and Haiti.

Likewise, almost 495,000 nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have arrived in the U.S. on humanitarian parole during the same period. Those securing humanitarian parole fly into the U.S. via commercial flights after getting approval from DHS. —>READ MORE HERE

Media Peddles False Biden Claim Lauding Border ‘Deportations’:

Even if reporters don’t know the crucial difference between ‘removals’ and ‘returns’, the administration does — and it should start being honest about what’s happening at the U.S.-Mexico line

One notable takeaway from the otherwise uninspired “Proclamation on Securing the Border” President Biden issued on June 4 is the claim therein that: “Total removals and returns in the 12 months following May 12, 2023, exceeded removals and returns in every full Fiscal Year since 2010.” That’s kind of true, but it’s also misleading; removals and returns are high because the president’s policies have driven historically large numbers of migrants to come here illegally. As my colleague Jon Feere recently explained, Reuters has taken that claim and run with it, arguing “Biden is now deporting more people than Trump” — a factually untrue statement, as he made clear. Here’s what the White House and its media allies aren’t telling you.

Some Simple Border Math. Before delving into the legal issues, here’s some simple immigration math: In the five full fiscal years, FY 2016 to FY 2020, before Joe Biden became president, Border Patrol agents at the Southwest border apprehended on average just over 472,300 illegal migrants annually, an average of about 39,360 per month.

In the 39 full months, February 2021 to May 2024, that Biden has been in office and CBP has published stats, agents have apprehended just over 6.9 million illegal migrants at the U.S.-Mexico line, an average of more than 177,000 apprehensions per month.

Those numbers, while important, only tell part of the story.

Title 42, and Its Downside. That’s because on March 20, 2020, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, CDC issued the first of its orders under Title 42 of the U.S. Code directing the expulsion of aliens who entered the United States illegally or who appeared at the border ports without proper documents.

Here’s how those “Title 42” orders worked in practice at the border: Illegal migrants deemed subject to expulsion under Title 42 were taken to the closest port of entry and simply sent back across the border.

Trump enforced those orders vigorously. Of the nearly 240,000 illegal migrants apprehended at the Southwest border between late March and the end of September 2020, 82.1 percent — more than 197,000 aliens — were expelled under Title 42. The remaining 45,000-plus were processed for removal under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Similarly, of the fewer than 285,000 illegal migrants who were apprehended in the first four months of FY 2021 (ending on January 31), nearly 87 percent (247,000-plus) were expelled under Title 42.

The biggest issue with Title 42 — at least as implemented — was that no real consequences, aside from expulsion, were imposed on illegal migrants who were expelled. They weren’t prosecuted for illegal reentry (which is a felony under section 275 of the INA) when they returned, though I believe they should have been, and they weren’t ordered “removed” under the INA. —>READ MORE HERE

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