Jesus' Coming Back

Trump Stands for America’s Veterans and Economy

As November approaches, the choice facing American voters could not be more consequential. On one side stands Donald Trump, a figure whose administration has made substantial strides in reforming the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and revitalizing the economy. On the other side is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, whose administration has been marred by economic stagnation and faltering support systems for those who have served our country.

With Harris as the presumptive Democrat nominee, continuity of this underwhelming leadership seems inevitable. For the working man, the businessman, and indeed every American concerned with the future of our veterans and economic health, supporting Donald Trump emerges as a decisive, pragmatic choice.

President Trump enacted significant reforms that fundamentally reshaped the way veterans receive care, reflecting a deep commitment to those who have served. The hallmark of these reforms was the VA Mission Act, a transformative piece of legislation that made the Veterans Choice Program a permanent fixture.

This Act revolutionized the VA community care system, ensuring that veterans could access quality care closer to home, a profound shift from the often-unresponsive and bureaucratic nature of the past. By allowing veterans to seek care from private doctors within their own communities, the Trump administration not only expanded their healthcare options but also significantly reduced waiting times and enhanced overall satisfaction.

The results speak for themselves. The percentage of veterans who trust VA services surged by 19%, reaching an unprecedented 91%. This achievement underscores a fundamental shift in veteran care from Barack Obama’s approach, marking a return to respect and reliability. Additionally, the VA Mission Act and other reforms led to a marked improvement in the accessibility and quality of care, proving that a Republican administration can indeed effectively address the needs of veterans.

This enhancement in veteran care is not just a moral victory; it has tangible economic implications. By streamlining access to quality healthcare and reducing bureaucratic hurdles, these reforms have lessened the financial burden on veterans and their families. Furthermore, the increased efficiency and satisfaction among veterans translate into broader economic benefits. Veterans who receive timely and effective care are better able to re-enter the workforce, contributing to economic growth and reducing dependency on government assistance.

Trump’s commitment to mental health services for veterans was equally robust. The signing of the VA Mission Act ensured that same-day emergency mental health care was available at every VA medical facility. This proactive approach was complemented by securing $9.5 billion for mental health services in 2020, a historic investment in addressing the psychological needs of our veterans.

Mental health is intrinsically linked to economic productivity. By addressing mental health challenges, the Trump administration not only provided crucial support for veterans but also fostered a more stable and productive workforce. Improved mental health leads to enhanced job performance and reduced absenteeism, further benefiting the economy.

Innovation in healthcare delivery was a hallmark of Trump’s tenure. The expansion of telehealth services, including the groundbreaking “Anywhere to Anywhere” VA healthcare initiative, led to a staggering 1,000% increase in usage during the COVID-19 pandemic. This expansion was crucial in maintaining continuity of care during a period of significant disruption.

From an economic perspective, telehealth reduces the need for physical infrastructure and lowers the cost of care delivery. By leveraging technology to provide care remotely, the Trump administration made significant strides in both cost efficiency and accessibility. This innovative approach not only benefited veterans but also set a precedent for future healthcare models, demonstrating the economic viability of modernizing healthcare systems.

Accountability within the VA was another critical area of reform. The Veterans Affairs Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, signed into law by Trump, enabled the removal of thousands of VA employees who failed to meet the standards required to provide quality care. This act was a decisive move to ensure that veterans received the care they deserved, free from the inefficiencies and neglect that had plagued the VA in previous years.

In tandem with this, the Veterans Appeals Improvement and Modernization Act of 2017 streamlined the appeals process, significantly improving the efficiency of the VA. Record numbers of appeals decisions were made, reducing wait times and ensuring that veterans received timely resolutions to their claims.

These reforms not only improved service delivery but also contributed to economic efficiency. By removing ineffective staff and streamlining processes, the Trump administration made the VA a more effective institution, reducing administrative costs and improving service outcomes.

Modernization of medical records was another critical achievement. The transition from the Department of Defense to the VA was made seamless through new tools and systems that enhanced record-keeping and coordination of care. This modernization effort was complemented by the launch of a tool that provided veterans with online access to average wait times and quality-of-care data, increasing transparency and enabling better-informed decisions about their healthcare.

From an economic standpoint, modernizing medical records and improving transparency reduce the administrative burden and potential errors associated with paper-based systems; this not only improves the efficiency of healthcare delivery but also enhances the overall economic viability of the VA system.

The formation of the PREVENTS Task Force marked a significant commitment to addressing the tragic issue of veteran suicide. This initiative focused on preventative measures and support systems to combat this crisis, reflecting a deep understanding of the broader implications of veteran well-being on societal and economic health.

Economic stability is closely tied to mental health and well-being. By addressing the root causes of veteran suicide and implementing preventive measures, the Trump administration not only supported the mental health of veterans but also contributed to a more stable and productive society.

In stark contrast, the Biden administration has neglected to address these critical issues. The past four years have been marked by economic stagnation and a perceived deterioration in veteran care. Biden’s policies have failed to match the efficacy and innovation seen during the Trump era, leaving many veterans and working Americans disillusioned.

Harris’s likely continuation of Biden’s policies poses a further threat to progress. Her candidacy suggests a continuation of the same economic and administrative shortfalls characteristic to the current administration. For those who value effective governance and a robust economy, the choice becomes clear.

As election day draws near, the choice between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris is not merely a choice between two candidates but between two visions for America’s future. Trump’s record of reforming the VA, enhancing veteran care, and fostering economic growth stands in stark contrast to the underwhelming results of Biden’s administration, in which Harris has played numerous key roles.

For the working man, the businessman, and every American concerned with the well-being of our veterans and the economic health of our nation, supporting Donald Trump is a vote for effective governance, economic revival, and a renewed commitment to those who have served our country. In this critical election, Trump represents a path forward that promises continued progress and prosperity for all Americans.

Joseph Ford Cotto, 1st Baron Cotto, GCCCR (DBA) is the author of What Happened to America?: How—and Why—the American Dream Became a Nightmare. He hosts News Sight, an online program with a sharp focus on the current events that impact your life. During 2014, HLM King Kigeli V of Rwanda bestowed a hereditary knighthood upon him. It was followed by a barony the next year. Cotto holds a doctorate in business administration.

DoD News, Public domain, via Wikimedia CommonsPublic domain.

American Thinker

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