Jesus' Coming Back

Hezbollah Bombs Soccer Field In Israel And Slaughters Twelve Youths As They Were Playing A Game Of Soccer

Hezbollah struck Israel, hitting a soccer field and slaughtering twelve people, including children, as we read in Ynet:

The heavy disaster on the 1st (Saturday) in Majdal Shams, in which 12 children and boys between the ages of 10 and 20 were murdered by a direct hit from a Hezbollah rocket that exploded on a soccer field, was the worst incident in the north since the beginning of the war. Following the difficult event, which may lead to a change in policy vis-à-vis Hezbollah, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu announced, after the criticism that was voiced on the issue, that he would advance his flight from Washington by five hours – and the meeting of the political-security cabinet today.

The carnage is plainly seen:

Netanyahu said in a statement:

“I was shocked to see the terrible images following the murderous attack by Hezbollah on Majdal Shams. Among the murdered, small children who were playing soccer, and also other murdered. All of our hearts are broken by these sights. We hug the families, we hug the Druze community All at this difficult moment, which is also our difficult moment, I have been holding continuous security consultations, and I will bring in the security cabinet immediately upon my arrival. I can say that we will not go over this in silence Today”.

The butchery will never end, until kingdom come.


Jesus Christ is King

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