Jesus' Coming Back

President Trump, Tear Down That Blue Wall

The Democrat Party is a monolithic tide which rises and falls in a relentless pursuit of power. After years of defending President Biden’s health, Democrat elites arranged a debate with their nemesis Donald Trump. They set Biden up with a debate they knew he would lose. The predictable failure was a pretext for dumping Biden and installing a new candidate to lead the party to victory in the November election. Within 48 hours of Biden’s standing down as a candidate, Kamala Harris was assured the nomination by the delegates primary voters elected to nominate Biden. The monolith had surged over Biden and lifted Harris in a swell orchestrated by the elites. Et Tu Brute!

They called on George Clooney to scuttle Biden by writing a hit piece in the NY Times advising Democrats that Joe had to go. A cascade of Democrat politicians scurried around the decks of Biden’s sinking ship eliciting similar condemnation of the man they had all loved and defended until the waves began to crash over them. These politicians now rest comfortably in the bowels of the ship the elites launched for their new candidate. The honeymoon cruise is now embraced by calm waters and smooth sailing to Chicago where these rats and other Democrats will install Harris as their leader and Presidential candidate.

The campaign will be fought largely in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Democrats call this the Blue Wall. The wall has held firm in every election since 1992 except the election Trump won in 2016. If the Blue Wall holds this year, Democrats will likely win. Many issues will be discussed in the coming weeks, but the most important issue will likely be the economy.

The stock market is soaring but bull markets come and go. If you can’t afford to put gas in your car you probably aren’t buying stocks. This is Harris’ biggest problem. Democrats spent trillions of dollars but delivered little or no benefit to the American people. Inflation hammered the economy from the middle of 2021 through 2023. The costs of everything from houses to cars to groceries have gone up 20% since Biden took office. Inflation is a tax the government charges under the table for excessive spending and other poor decisions. This tax hits the poor, working class, and people on fixed incomes especially hard. These are the people Democrats claim to represent.

J.D. Vance recognized this saying, “When I was in the fourth grade, a career politician by the name of Joe Biden supported NAFTA, a bad trade deal that sent countless good American manufacturing jobs to Mexico. Thanks to these policies that Biden and the other out-of-touch politicians in Washington gave us, our country was flooded with cheap Chinese goods and cheap foreign labor.” Regulations and taxes should be reduced. Businesses should be encouraged to build factories, not shutter them.

Kamala Harris and Democrat elites have no intention of reducing regulations and intend to let the Trump tax cuts expire, increasing taxes on businesses and individuals. Democrats have begun dismantling America’s energy economy just as they oversaw the dismantling of heavy industry in the Rust Belt. Expensive energy and choking regulation will not support manufacturing operations, create jobs, expand the tax base, or reduce inflation. If elected, Democrats will oversee the unravelling of the economy and the diminishment of America.

The DNC has purchased first-class steerage for Ms. Harris on a vessel transiting on a rising tide of socialism. Harris supports:

Her goal is to convert America into some sort of Euro-socialist contrivance.

Liberty avails Americans the ability to advance individual pursuits. When an individual starts a successful business, wealth and jobs are created. This is what made America great. Socialists believe wealth is created by oppressing workers. To alleviate oppression the government must tax and redistribute, directing economic decisions it believes will best serve groups it chooses. A socialist undercurrent has gradually made these concepts seem acceptable to many Americans. Democrats are now poised to push the people into the abys of socialism.

The sun never set on the British Empire until the Brits embraced socialism. Margaret Thatcher famously said, “The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money”. The national debt of the United States is now $35 trillion. Social Security and Medicare are on the verge of insolvency. As Democrats scheme to push America over the abys the government has already spent trillions of “other people’s money.”

Kamala Harris recently said President Trump would, “bring us backwards.” Harris now speaks for the Democrat Party. Trump has looked over the edge and viewed the vast abys into which the Democrats will shove the American people. To make America great again the people’s liberty must be assured. Individuals will make better decisions for their futures than a gaggle of politicians, consultants, lobbyists, and bureaucrats. The only way to move the country forward is for its people to reject socialism and embrace capitalism.

As Harris proceeds on her honeymoon cruise a lone figure rises above the tide. Donald Trump surfs blithely atop the monolithic tide. Can he maintain his balance, or will he slip off the board? As Trump surfs past Kamala and her henchmen he waves at them or was that a less friendly gesture? If Trump can carefully manage this monolithic tide, he just might ride a red wave to victory on November 5th.

Image: AT via Magic Studio

American Thinker

Jesus Christ is King

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